It is impossible to tell that as you cannot accurately tell a person's personality from artifacts and inscriptions.
Many myths and legends surround the pharaohs, most of which have no basis in fact or evidence. It is impossible to state who was the cruelest.
The rulers of ancient Egypt had the title Pharaoh.
The absolute ruler of Egypt was the Pharaoh.
he was a pharaoh of ancient egypt
pharaohs are kings in ancient Egypt.
The Pharaoh had the highest level in the class ranking
Yes, the pharaoh was considered a god in ancient Egypt.
The rulers of ancient Egypt had the title Pharaoh.
Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt were believed to be Horus incarnate.
The absolute ruler of Egypt was the Pharaoh.
Narmer (Menes).
Pharaoh is the term for the ruler (king) in the Ancient Egypt.
Cleopatra was the last pharaoh to to rule ancient Egypt.
he was a pharaoh of ancient egypt
The pharaoh
A pharaoh was hatshepsut-female and tutenkamen-male and akenaten-male and pharaohs were considered gods in ancient Egypt.
pharaohs are kings in ancient Egypt.
The king of ancient Egypt is normally referred to as a Pharaoh