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In Greek mythology cup bearers were an important position. The name of the god who performed that service was Hebe. She moved on from that position when she married the demigod Heracles.

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Q: Who is the cup bearer of the Greek gods?
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Who is the cupbearer of the gods?

In Greek mythology, Hebe was the first cup-bearer of the gods; she was replaced by Ganymede when she became a goddess herself.

What were hebes duties?

Hebe was the cup bearer to the gods

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What was Hebe the Greek goddess of?

Hebe was the goddess of youth and daughter of Zeus and Hera. She was the cup-bearer of the gods and goddesses until she married Hercules.

Goddess of youth?

Hebe was the Greek goddess of youth. She was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She was also the cup-bearer of the gods until she married Heracles (Hercules).Hebe was the Greek goddess of youth.

What did hebe rule over?

Youth, for she was the Greek goddess of youth of both mortal and immortal, the bearer of the cup which gave the immortal gods and goddesses their youth.

Who is the greek god of youth?

Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera and wife of Hercules was the goddess of youth and cup-bearer to the gods. Ganymedes was the lover of Zeus and became another cup-bearer to the gods and so a god of youth in taking Hebe's place. Pandia was the daughter of Zeus and Selene and a goddess of youth, dew, and the full moon.

What is Hebe godess of?

Youth, she was once the Cup-bearer of the gods and goddesses of Olympus.

What powers did Hebe have?

She was the goddess of eternal youth. Also the cup bearer of the gods.

What is Juventa's symbol?

A jug of nectar. Because she is the god of youth, and the cup bearer of the gods.

Who was Hebe in Greek mythology?

Hebe was the Greek goddess of youth and the cupbearer of the gods. She was the daughter of Zeus and Hera and was known for serving nectar and ambrosia, the food and drink of the gods. Hebe was also seen as a symbol of eternal youth.

Who is the trickster deity in Greek mythology?

Probably the best-known 'trickster' among the Greek deities was Hermes (messenger/ cup-bearer) who enjoyed playing not-always-amusing (except to him) practical jokes on both gods & mortals alike.