You would be the god Pan.
Pan is god of shepherds and flocks (sheep/goats), Hermes of herds and animal husbandry, and Artemis those that are wild animals.
Geb was personification and god of the earth.
he is god of nature and flocks.
They didn't have a God of birds.
The symbol for the god of nature and flocks is usually depicted as a shepherd's crook or staff, known as a "crook and flail." It represents the god's role as a shepherd or protector of flocks in nature. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the god associated with these symbols is typically depicted as a human figure with the head of a ram or a ram itself.
The Greek god of shepherds and flocks is Pan. He is often depicted as a half-goat, half-man creature with horns on his head. Pan is also associated with nature, wilderness, and rustic music.
The god of the shepherds and flocks is Pan
The Greek god Pan. He was the god of flocks/herds/nature and was typically represented as a satyr (half man half goat).
Pan was the Greek God of shepherds and flocks, somebody misspelled the question.
He is god of Shepherd's and flocks.
The Greek god of nature is typically considered to be Pan, who is often depicted as a half-man, half-goat figure who roams the wilderness playing his panpipes. Pan is associated with fields, groves, and wooded areas, and is also known as a god of shepherds and flocks. He represents the untamed and wild aspects of nature.
Both Pan and Hermes share domain as gods of shepherds and flocks.
Pan, greek god of shepherds and flocks.