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Ramses111 is a Pharaoh from ancient Egypt

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Q: Who was Ramses 111?
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What is the name of the phoraoh that Moses confronted?

It is not certain, but some say Ramses 111.

Did Ramses the 3 take over after Ramses the second?

No, Ramses two was related to Ramses three, but the succsesor to Ramses the seconds throne was meranptah, Ramses thirteenth son.

Was seti's son Ramses I or Ramses II?

Seti I son was Ramses II, Ramses I was Seti I father

Why did Ramses build the temple of Ramses II?

ramses built the temples to please the gods

How did King Ramses II die?

he died of age at age 90he died when he was 96 he had 162 kids 51 daughters 111 sons

What Pharaoh reigned for 67 years?

You are a punk

Which pharoh built more monuments?

New Kingdom, 19th dynasty, Pharaoh Ramses II known as Ramses the Great, reigned 1279-1213BC

Is Ramses the great the same as Ramses 2?

Of course, Ramses the Great is just another name he is called.

What is some info on Ramses II?

Ramses II had 111 sons and 51 daughters. Ramses II had 8 brothers and 13 sisters his oldest sister was Tia. Ramses parents are King Seti 1 (father) and Tuya (mother). When Ramses II was a kid he would travel around with his dad learning how to be a pharaoh, then in 1290 BC his father died and Ramses II took his father's place immediately and went to work on his new position as pharaoh. He was a military leader at 10. He was alive between 90-91 years. He was born in 1303 BC and died in 1213 BC he died from old age. He became pharaoh at the age of 25 in the 19th dynasty. He ruled Egypt between 66-67 years.

How tall was Ramses?

Ramses I was 6' (1.83 m).

When was Ramses Emerson created?

Ramses Emerson was created in 1981.

When was Ramses College created?

Ramses College was created in 1908.