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The hero that cut off Medusa's head was named Perseus. Who then gave the head to Athena.

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Q: Who was the Greek hero who cut off Medusa's head?
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Hero who cut off medusa's head?

Perseus is the Greek hero who cut off Medusa's head. He used a shield to look at her reflection, so he could defeat her without turning to stone.

What modern day hero relates to Perseus the Greek god?

They are probably refering to Percy Jackson, who cut off Meduesa's head in the movie and book series. Well, in the Greek myths, Perseus cut off Meduesa's head.

Where did Pegasus come from?

When Perseues cut off Medusas head pegasus sprung out from her body and flew away.

Did Medusa's blood spill?

Yes. When the Greek hero Perseus cut of Medusa's head, the blood turned into a pegasus. (winged horse) The story of Bellerophon and the pegasus is a diffrent myth.

Who are medusas children?

medusa's child was pegasus. pegasus came out of medusa's body when medusa's head got cut off. unlike medusa, pegasus was a very good god.

How was Pegasus created?

From the winged horse called Pegasus in Greek mythology.It is one of the 48 constellations that were named by Ptolemy in the 2nd century. For how to connect the stars, look at the link below.

In what year was Medusa's head cut off?

The Greek myths have no chronology: no year, no date...

Did anything emerge from medusas head when it was cut off?

Pegasus and Chrysaor both sprang from the dead Gorgon's neck when she was slain. Also, as Perseus flew over the Libyan desert, blood spilled from the bag spawned highly poisonous snakes.

What happens to polydectes in the myth medusas head?

To cut a long story short, Polydectes was turned to stone. But here's the full story: King Polydectes of Seriphos fell in love with Danae, mother of the Greek hero Perseus. However, Perseus was protective and wouldn't let Polydectes near her. Polydectes pretended he was going to marry a princess and ordered every man in his kingdom to supply him with a gift. Perseus couldn't afford a gift, and so pledged the King anything he wanted. Polydectes asked for the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus killed Medusa and returned with her head, but found Polydectes was threatening and abusing his mother Danae. Perseus snuck into the throne room, where he found Polydectes and his nobles. When they gazed upon Medusa's head, they were turned to stone.

What power do greek monster hydra have?

It has three heads, and for every head you cut off, two more grow in its place.

In greek mythology why would it be hard to kill hydra?

For every head cut off, the hydra gows two more. To counteract this, Heracles burned each stump of a head.

Did Medusa die in her sleep?

No, her head was cut off by the hero Perseus.