Any son of Poseidon and a mortal woman is a demigod, as Polyphemus, Orion and Theseus. They did not belong to the sea.
God of the sea - yes.
Demigod of the sea - no.
No. She was a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, both of whom were a minor god/goddess of the sea.
Demigod of the sea. He is the son of Poseidon. His upper body was human and his lower half was sea creature-like
Achilles was the demigod of war.
Given that his mother was Aethra, who most recount as mortal, and he was fathered by both Poseidon the sea god and Aegeus, yes.
No, Hades is not a demigod. He is a full God, and a very powerful one at that.
No. She was a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, both of whom were a minor god/goddess of the sea.
Demigod of the sea. He is the son of Poseidon. His upper body was human and his lower half was sea creature-like
Achilles was the demigod of war.
When a god marries a demigod the demigod receives the same powers as the god. Which makes the demigod now more powerful the god. So the demigod has their powers and the powers of the god.
Given that his mother was Aethra, who most recount as mortal, and he was fathered by both Poseidon the sea god and Aegeus, yes.
His mother's name was thetis and she was a sea nymph so that makes him a semi-godit is a demigod you dipThetis the sea goddessThetis is Achilles's mother. She is a Nereid, one of the fifty daughters of Nereus ("old man of the sea").Achilles's mother was a nymph named Thetis and his father was Peleus, king of the Myrmidons. Achilles was said to be a demigod and he was a hero to the Greeks for his valor during the Trojan War.
A demigod is one half god.
a demigod is part human and part god
wizard + enery = demigod
The demigod ruled with great power.
NO. It is impossible to be a demigod. Demigods are myths.