Aphrodite was the fairest Greek god/goddess in Greek mythology because she was the goddess of love and beauty and was married to the crippled god of fire Hephaestus who blackmailed Aphrodite into being his wife because he threatened to tell her other boyfriend Ares (God of War) that she was cheating on him with himself. then they got married and she still continued to date other men and gods. She may have been one of the sluttier gods, but she was still " the fairest maiden in all the land".
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
Boltar is not from Greek mythology.
Greek Mythology is older.
I apologize, but Istra is NOT in Greek Mythology. Sorry!!
Greek mythology originated in ancient Greece.
Who was the fairest goddess..which was boiled down to 3..Athena Hera and Aphrodite
She bribed him with the promise of the most beautiful maiden on Earth, if he chose Aphrodite as the fairest of all goddesses (out of Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera). I ♥ Greek Mythology... :D
Capitalize only the G i n Greek but not the mythology. It should be Greek mythology.
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
Boltar is not from Greek mythology.
Greek mythology is about the ancient Greek gods. Rome was not an ancient Greek god.
Isis is not in greek mythology just mythology she is a egyption goddess
In Greek mythology it is Poseidon and in roman mythology it is Neptune
Mythology is about Greek mythology.
Greek Mythology is older.
there is no such thing in greek mythology.
There was no lesson; what we call Greek mythology was the Ancient Greek's religion.