King Menes, also known as Narmer, is believed to have been the first pharaoh of ancient Egypt, unifying Upper and Lower Egypt around 3100 BCE. The specific identities of his parents are not definitively known, as historical records from that time are limited. However, it is generally believed that Menes/Narmer was born into a royal family, possibly descending from the rulers of Upper Egypt.
Pharaoh Menes also known as the scorpion king
the first king of comnined Egypt was menes
king menes was born in Memphis
King Menes built the city Memphis
King menes married a princess from the lower egypt.
King Narmer Menes.
Pharaoh Menes also known as the scorpion king
the first king of comnined Egypt was menes
King Menes was the one that defeated the King of lower Egypt. After it was all over King Menes had united both lands together.
King menes married a princess from the lower Egypt.
yes king menes did to have a dad.
King Menes
king menes was born in Memphis
King Menes built the city Memphis
King Menes first ruled in 3407 B.C.
in what pyramid was king menes buried in
King menes married a princess from the lower egypt.