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They were very polytheistic and had so many. For example they had a god for the little occurances that happen in everyday life like the sun god, rain god, food god, water god... and others. I'd say that the god used for the flooding of the nile river was an impotant one, along with the sun god!

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Q: Who were the most important pharaohs?
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What pharaohs held the crook and flail?

The most strongest and important pharaohs, of course. (this is a guess :3)

What was a pharaohs most important duty?

Looking after Egypt

What pices of information should you know about pharaohs?

Pharaohs where in the top in social class they were the most important because they please their gods they have a daily life

What was most important purpose of the pyramids?

They pyramids were made to house the bodies of the pharaohs with all the things they needed in the afterlife. Later, tombs were created in the Valley of the Kings for the pharaohs and this was where Tut was found.

Why are the pharaohs so big in hieroglyphs?

The pharaohs in hieroglyphs are large because they were considered very important by the Egyptians.

What kind of Egyptians are there?

There are 6 differenttipes of people in Ancient Egypt. But the most important are the Pharaohs. They were the RICHEST Egyptians in Ancient Egypt!

Why did people build the pyramids?

The pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians (the slaves, specifically) for a very practical purpose. They were tombs for the most important members of ancient Egyptian civilization: the pharaohs and the pharaohs' queens.

Where were most pharaohs buried?

in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor in southern Egypt.

Who are three important pharaohs?

Tutankamen, Khufu, Hatshepsut

What gods did the pharaoh have a special relationship with?

Hello, My name is Youjin and I'm from Korea. In our calss, we learn about Egypt. So, I know Just a little bit. Not really.... Pharaohs were the king or Queen of Egypt. Most pharaohs were men but some pharaohs, such as Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were women. Cleopatra is woman. She was so smart. Also, Nefertiti was one of the Queen in Egypt. Nefertiti was elegant beauty. And I think a Pharaoh were important and powerful. Bye... tyele facts about ancient egypt for kids Facts about Egypt today ... information on ancient egypt for children Egyptian Pharaohs Who were the Pharaohs? Pharaohs were the king or Queen of Egypt. Most pharaohs were men but some well-known pharaohs, such as Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were women. A Pharaoh was the most important and powerful person in the kingdom. He was the head of the government and high priest of every temple.The people of Egypt considered the pharaoh to be a half-man, half-god. gant beauty

What is so important about the sphinx?

The sphinx is important because it was of great value to the Pharaohs and Egyptians.

Who were the 3 important advisors for the pharaohs?

The Chicken , The Goose and The Turkey