23million lemons are in the world
Without lemons tequila would suck and we wouldn't have sweet quotes like 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade'
Of coarse everything burns.
Lemonade comes from lemons
they are sour because of the high acid content
Citric acid.
The lemons are a sour fruit.
IT is correct that lemons are not sweet. They are citrus fruit that is sour to the taste.
Well, Technically it's both sour and bitter
Acidic = sour. Think lemons
It can be sour along with being helpful!
Some foods that are sour are lemons, grapes, and tamarind. Some types of oranges and some melon can also have a sour taste to them.
rabbits can not eat lemons.Lemons are to sour for rabbits.
No, because you add sugar and water to it.