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The walls of the pharaoh's tomb are very important in two ways. These ways being that the walls are able to be tested to see how old they are and they have writings explaining Egyptian ways of life.

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Q: Why are the walls of pharaoh's tombs important to historians?
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What did Cleopatra wright on?

Cleopatra herself wrote on papyrus scrolls. Tomb decoraters wrote about her on the walls of tombs.

What has been found on cave walls?

Cave paintings have been found on cave walls throughout the world. These paintings help historians and archaeologists get a look at how people thought as much as 40,000 years ago, although why these paintings were painted are unknown.

What is inside a pharaohs tomb?

well there are alot of things in tombs, the pyramid guards the tomb. there is passage way in tombs and lots of ancient paintings on the wall. also food, statues and belongings like expensive jewellery, furniture, books and more. :) hope it helped

What type of things did ancient Egyptians paint?

Tomb builders, plasterers and tomb painters were issued candles, which were carefully accounted for and recorded by scribes. From these records we know that the day was split into two four-hour shifts with a break between. The candles were constructed of canvas twisted into 35 cm lengths and bound spirally with linen webbing. This wick was then smeared with fat mixed with salt - the salt considerably reduced the amount of smoke and soot produced. These candles could not be held in the hand; instead they were placed singly or in groups of three in tall jars placed on shelves or in special niches in the walls. One record states that 32 candles were used in a tomb every day for 22 days; another says that between 52 and 58 candles were used daily in a royal tomb. So the clever addition of salt to the candle-fat prevented smoke and soot blackening the tomb or leaving any traces today. Some gullible people have used this absence of soot to try to show that the ancient Egyptians used electric floodlights instead . . .

Why is Sparta the only Greek city without walls?

They didn't need walls. Their soldiers were the walls.

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What things were carved on walls of pharaohs' tombs and why?

I cant answer it

Where can you read the book the dead?

Round the walls of the tombs of the Pharaohs in the valley of the kings.

What was so important about scribes in ancient Egypt?

They had to piant pictures on the walls of tombs for the deseased.

Where were hieroglyphics found?

In Egypt carved into the walls of tombs, pyramids and on obelisks and statues.

Why are their paintings on tombs?

The paintings in tombs were either one of these things: * Show what the deseased liked to do * Protect the deseased with spells * Protect the deseased with the Gods watching them

What things were carved on walls of Pharaoh tombs why?

I cant answer it

What things were carved on the walls of pharaohs tomb?


Are pyramids tombs?

Pyramids are tombs. The egyptians wanted the pharaoh to have a good after life. That's why the four walls point to the sky.

What would pharaohs stock their tombs with?

They put all their riches and painted he walls and casket with pictures of what they wanted to have in the afterlife. Ex: servants serving them. They would also include food so they did not starve and priests often brought more every few days.

Why were pictures on walls inside pyramids?

to show the tourists which way to the mummy tombs

How would you expect a pharaoh to be drawn on the walls of his tombs?

he would be sad incorect

Why did egyptians carve pictures of food into the walls of tombs?

So the dead could have those things in the after life.