Because they were hunter-gatherer.They had no knowledge about agriculture.
THERE ARE AT LEAST FOUR REASONS FOR In acient times why did people travel from one place to the other place?
and they have move season to season in search of food.
On ANY continent and from ANY region of the world, native ancient peoples of one region or another migrated for many of the same reasons:
They invented string, the wheel and alcohol during the paleolithic period.
Paleolithic (c 2,000,000 -- c 10,000 B.C.) (Old Stone Age)The Paleolithic time period is by far the longest, beginning some (circa) two million years ago to coincide with the first evidence of toolmaking and ending around 10,000 B.C. to coincide with the end of the last ice age (Pleistocene epoch). Later, as notable advancements in stone toolmaking capabilities were recognized and identified pertaining to the Paleolithic, it was also subdivided : • Lower Paleolithic (two million -- 100,000 B.C.)• Middle Paleolithic (100,000 -- 30,000 B.C.)• Upper Paleolithic (30,000 -- 10,000 B.C.)
If you mean the Neolithic age then: The Neolithic Age, Era, or Period, or New Stone Age, was a period in the development of human technology, beginning around 9500 BC in the Middle East.
Paleolithic means "Old Stone Age".
Paleolithic people survived by hunting and gathering.
No. Dinosaurs were extinct by the time humans evolved.
People who are alway's on the move because they run out of food and they didn't know how too farm back then.
Paleolithic people came first, around 2.5 million years ago, characterized by the use of stone tools and hunting-gathering lifestyle. Neolithic people emerged later, around 12,000 years ago, marked by the development of agriculture and settled communities.
paleolithic people had to farm, harvest, and herd
In Paleolithic times, people were mainly nomads, so they followed their food around. For example, if the buffalo herd moved West, the Paleolithic people did too. In Neolithic times the people started to build civilizations and stay in one place because they had found a good water source for everyday needs. The water source was the Nile River. It helped Neolithic people bathe, drink etc..
In my opinion, I believe Paleolithic people were always on the move bc, One: In order for them to survive, they would have to go hunt for food and prepare it. Two: Also bc, in order for them to protect themselves and their families they would have to find more than one shelter to live in, in case if and dangerous animal were to follow them to their shelter they wouldn't have to worry about one of their shelters getting ruined bc, they have more than one. These are my two reasons for why I think the Paleolithic people move around a lot. I hope you can agree with me and if not tell me why you don't agree with me and if you do agree with me tell me why you do. sincerely, Jocelyn E.Flowers
Paleolithic people
Some people say that our military is a paleolithic organization. Paleolithic people developed stone tools as well as horn and antler tools.
The paleolithic people made hammers to build with
Alcoholic drinks were not known in the paleolithic era.
Paleolithic nomads were always on the move in search of food, as they relied on hunting and gathering for survival. They followed the seasonal patterns of plants and animals, moving to areas where resources were abundant. This nomadic lifestyle allowed them to adapt to changing environmental conditions and avoid depleting local resources.