Sparta refused to join the Delian League because they refused to give tokens.
they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians
Athens, using the spoils of the empire it had made out of the nti-Persian league, was interfering in the city-states of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. This came to a head when Athens tried to destroy the levelihood of Megara, amember of the Peloponnesian League. The other members of the League appealed to Sparta to intervene, Sparta appealed to Athens to lift the action against Megara. An ocer-confident Athens refused and war ensued.
Men simply did not refuse to join the military in ancient Greece. If they did, they would likely have been put to death or exiled.
After the Persian War, Athens turned the 180 city-states it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own. It then tried to use this power to dominate other city-states. The final straw was when it tried to bankrupt its neighbour Megara, which belonged to the Dorian Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. Megara asked for help, Sparta demanded Athens back off, Athens continued and the devastating 27-year Peloponnesian War followed.
Notes in Bullet Point Format from College Prepatory Class: The Age of Pericles: -Pericles was an Athenian leader who was also: -a great general -an orator (public speaker) -a statesman -held public office -active in public life -from 461 BC to 429 BC (30 years) -his leadership was very important to Athenian success -during the Age of Pericles: -Athens reached its peak of: -power -wealth -democracy -all male citizens, except for lowest class, could hold public office -officeholders -were paid a salary -chosen by a lot so that no one had an advantage -however: -women rarely took part in public life -many residents were not citizens -many residents were slaves -During Pericles rule, he: -strengthened and extended the empire -established colonies of Athenian citizens in: -important areas -rebellious areas -used Athenian navy -to keep the Persians out of the Aegean Sea -brought stability and prosperity to the eastern Mediterranean region -Athenian system of weights and measures became standard throughout the empire -however: -members of the Delian League -pro: received these benefits -con: lost their independence -The Athens Empire and the Delian League: -although Athens' government was democratic, the Delian League was not -Athens made all the decisions -Pericles moved treasury from Delos to Athens -used the money for the good of Athens -forced more city-states to join the league -sometimes Athenian forces had to put down revolts by other city-state The Peloponnesian War: -Pericles failed to unite Greece under Athens. -discontent grew -quarrels over trade divided Athens and Corinth -tensions grew between Athens and Sparta -until war broke out in 431 BC -called the Peloponnesian War -another name for Sparta is Peloponnesus -Sparta: -stronger army -surrounded Athens -siege continued for years because Athens was able to import food -Athens: -had a better navy -people took refuge behind city walls -a plague broke out killing many, including Pericles -Peloponnesian War continued for 27 years -Sparta along with Persia's help was able to block Athens' food supply -starving Athenians surrendered in 404 BC -after this war, Greece was politically unstable -many Greeks felt only a foreign power could untie Greece -it would be many years before this would pass -however, Greek civilizations still made great advances during this time Notes in Bullet Point Format from College Prepatory Class: The Age of Pericles: -Pericles was an Athenian leader who was also: -a great general -an orator (public speaker) -a statesman -held public office -active in public life -from 461 BC to 429 BC (30 years) -his leadership was very important to Athenian success -during the Age of Pericles: -Athens reached its peak of: -power -wealth -democracy -all male citizens, except for lowest class, could hold public office -officeholders -were paid a salary -chosen by a lot so that no one had an advantage -however: -women rarely took part in public life -many residents were not citizens -many residents were slaves -During Pericles rule, he: -strengthened and extended the empire -established colonies of Athenian citizens in: -important areas -rebellious areas -used Athenian navy -to keep the Persians out of the Aegean Sea -brought stability and prosperity to the eastern Mediterranean region -Athenian system of weights and measures became standard throughout the empire -however: -members of the Delian League -pro: received these benefits -con: lost their independence -The Athens Empire and the Delian League: -although Athens' government was democratic, the Delian League was not -Athens made all the decisions -Pericles moved treasury from Delos to Athens -used the money for the good of Athens -forced more city-states to join the league -sometimes Athenian forces had to put down revolts by other city-state The Peloponnesian War: -Pericles failed to unite Greece under Athens. -discontent grew -quarrels over trade divided Athens and Corinth -tensions grew between Athens and Sparta -until war broke out in 431 BC -called the Peloponnesian War -another name for Sparta is Peloponnesus -Sparta: -stronger army -surrounded Athens -siege continued for years because Athens was able to import food -Athens: -had a better navy -people took refuge behind city walls -a plague broke out killing many, including Pericles -Peloponnesian War continued for 27 years -Sparta along with Persia's help was able to block Athens' food supply -starving Athenians surrendered in 404 BC -after this war, Greece was politically unstable -many Greeks felt only a foreign power could untie Greece -it would be many years before this would pass -however, Greek civilizations still made great advances during this time Notes in Bullet Point Format from College Prepatory Class: The Age of Pericles: -Pericles was an Athenian leader who was also: -a great general -an orator (public speaker) -a statesman -held public office -active in public life -from 461 BC to 429 BC (30 years) -his leadership was very important to Athenian success -during the Age of Pericles: -Athens reached its peak of: -power -wealth -democracy -all male citizens, except for lowest class, could hold public office -officeholders -were paid a salary -chosen by a lot so that no one had an advantage -however: -women rarely took part in public life -many residents were not citizens -many residents were slaves -During Pericles rule, he: -strengthened and extended the empire -established colonies of Athenian citizens in: -important areas -rebellious areas -used Athenian navy -to keep the Persians out of the Aegean Sea -brought stability and prosperity to the eastern Mediterranean region -Athenian system of weights and measures became standard throughout the empire -however: -members of the Delian League -pro: received these benefits -con: lost their independence -The Athens Empire and the Delian League: -although Athens' government was democratic, the Delian League was not -Athens made all the decisions -Pericles moved treasury from Delos to Athens -used the money for the good of Athens -forced more city-states to join the league -sometimes Athenian forces had to put down revolts by other city-state The Peloponnesian War: -Pericles failed to unite Greece under Athens. -discontent grew -quarrels over trade divided Athens and Corinth -tensions grew between Athens and Sparta -until war broke out in 431 BC -called the Peloponnesian War -another name for Sparta is Peloponnesus -Sparta: -stronger army -surrounded Athens -siege continued for years because Athens was able to import food -Athens: -had a better navy -people took refuge behind city walls -a plague broke out killing many, including Pericles -Peloponnesian War continued for 27 years -Sparta along with Persia's help was able to block Athens' food supply -starving Athenians surrendered in 404 BC -after this war, Greece was politically unstable -many Greeks felt only a foreign power could untie Greece -it would be many years before this would pass -however, Greek civilizations still made great advances during this time
they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians
they formed the delian league because they had to join toegether to defeat the Persians
After the Persian invasion was repelled by the coalition of southern Greek cities, Sparta wanted to evacuate the cities in Asia Minor back to Greece to avoid further clashes with the persian Empire. Athens had a better idea - to form a league of Greek city-states in Asia Minor and the Islands against Persian intervention. Sparta was having problems with its restive serf population at home and did not join the Delian League. Athens later turned the League into an empire of its own, and lived high on the proceeds.
After Sparta successfully led the repulse of the Persian invasion, it proposed that the Greek cities inside the Persian Empire be evacuated to mainland Greece to end the conflict. Opportunistic Athens countered by forming a league of these cities to continue war. Sparta, facing a serf revolt at home left them to it.
There were two major groupings of city-states - the Athenian league/empire, and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.Initially Athens which had led the Greeks in the second half of the wars, and when peace was arranged, turned the Greek coalition, which it led, into an empire of its own. It used this to try to dominate the Greek world, but over-reached itself and was defeated and stripped of it empire, leaving Sparta as dominant power until Thebes displaced it. All this so weakened the Greek cities that Macedonia was able to dominate them.
Athens, using the spoils of the empire it had made out of the nti-Persian league, was interfering in the city-states of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. This came to a head when Athens tried to destroy the levelihood of Megara, amember of the Peloponnesian League. The other members of the League appealed to Sparta to intervene, Sparta appealed to Athens to lift the action against Megara. An ocer-confident Athens refused and war ensued.
There were many reasons for the wars between the Greek States and Persia, one of which would be the fact that Sparta had to protect its' state against the invaders. Secondly, you have to remember that Sparta had valuable allies, allies which it had to assist - if Sparta hadn't, many of it's allies would naturally leave the Peloponnesian league and join Athens' Empire, leaving Sparta even more vulnerable.
Because your dumb stupid and NO ONE LIKES YOU lol (:
the US didn't want to get caught in in European affairs again
join the military
The Persian invasion.
Algeria join the Arab league 1962