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They threw it out because they didn't know what it was for. They believed the heart was the center of thought and emotion, not the brain. They removed the brain through the nose with a hook and got rid of it.

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Most ancient (and indeed some quite recent) schools of anatomy thought the brain was a cooling centre for the blood. Since you were cold already, you didn't need it.

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Because they thought the brain didn't have any use

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Q: Why did the Egyptians consider the brain unimportant?
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Some unimportant facts about Hera?

There are no unimportant facts about Hera because it's everything you need to know. And, besides if you think its unimportant than you must already know it.

What did Egyptians use resin for?

Resin was used by the Egyptians as part of the mummification process. The resin was poured into the person's skull after the brain was removed to help it keep its shape. It was also used to secure bandages in place.

Which organ did the Egyptians think was not important at all?

Ancient Egyptians did not think that the brain was important. They thought that it was only to take up space in their head. The heart however, was recognised to be of importance. When they were mummified it was also wrapped and placed back in the body.

What did the heart mean to the Egyptians?

The egyptians thought the heart was used for thinking and was the most important organ in the body. It was the only organ which was not removed from mummies. They did not know what the brain was for. They thought it was useless, so it was taken away from mummies. They thought that only the heart was necesary for the afterlife.

What was the tool called for taking out a mummies brain?

There was no specific name of tool used for brain removal in ancient Egyptain records, but rather a type. There are two theories as to how the brain was removed. A popular theory is that they used a long hook type tool to go up a person's nostril and pull out the brain tissue. Another theory is that they used a long needle like tool to penetrate the brain several times, through the nose, and then later let it drain out the nose as well.

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What did the Egyptians consider more important the Herat or the brain?

The heart. When embalming a dead body, the heart would also be embalmed, but the brain would be discarded.

How did the egyptians preserve the brain?

The brain was disposed of. They did not preserve it.

What part of the brain functions to filter out unimportant stimuli?

thalamus reticular activating system

Part of the brain that suppresses unimportant sensations?

The thalamus is the part of the brain responsible for filtering and relaying sensory information to other areas of the brain. It helps prioritize important stimuli while suppressing irrelevant or unimportant sensations. This process helps us focus on relevant information and ignore distractions.

What did the Egyptians think that the brain sole purpose was?

The egyptians believed that the brains job was to produce snot! Because when they were mummifing and they pulled the brain out snot came out with it!

What do the Egyptians do with the pharaohs heart?

The heart of any mummified Egyptian, pharaoh or not, was sealed in a jar. All other internal organs were also sealed in jars, except for the brain which was considered unimportant. The jars containing the heart and other organs which would be needed in the afterlife were entombed along with the mummies of the deceased.

What Did Ancient Egyptians do with the brain after they got it out?

they just threw it away, they didn't think the brain had a use.

What did the Egyptians do with the brain of the mummy since they didn't know what it was?

the brain dissolved before they wrapped up the mummy.

Why did the egyptians and the nubians consider their deserts to be a blessing?

The Egyptians and Nubians considered their deserts a barrier against military conquest.

How can you use unimportant in sentence?

Canada is an unimportant country. =)

Why was the brain of a mummy not preserved?

Ancient Egyptians did not believe that the brain was actually the thought-center of a person, believing instead that the heart did the act of thinking. The brain was viewed as worthless flesh and, therefore, removed.

Is Egypt Arab?

The overwhelming majority of Egyptians consider themselves Arabs. Some Coptic Christians in Egypt do not consider themselves Arabs because they believe themselves to be descendants of the original Ancient Egyptians.