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The internal defenses of pyramids proved ineffective in stopping tomb robbers. The Egyptian Pharohs hoped (in most cases, futilely) that by hiding their tombs in the valley of the kings, they could better protect them from said robbers.

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The Valley of The Kings was important to the ancient Egyptians because that is where they buried their pharaohs in the valley in he New Kingdom. It was also important because they found one of the few pharaohs buried there: Tutankhamen also known as King Tut. He was found intact in his tomb and everything buried with him was still there. The ancient Egyptians decided to bury their pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings because robbers were stealing the riches put in the pyramids. The mazes and false rooms were a minor to the robbers.

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Q: Why did the Egyptians move from pyramids to the valley of the kings?
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Why were the pyramids actually built?

The pyramids were built to house the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians believed that the pyramids would help the pharaohs move onto the next stage of life.

Can you climb the pyramids today?

yes you can! i climed The Nohoch Mul pyramid in the year 2009 it was scary

What does the building of the pyramids tells us about Egyptian society?

The pyramids represent the determination of a society to build something that is both meaningful and difficult. The pyramids were burial tombs, so their leaders were powerful enough to garner the men and materials necessary to produce these monuments. The difficulty came in having the engineering skills to design these pyramids, find the material (limestone blocks) and move it into place. :D

How did the ancient Egyptians use geomerty?

The first pyramids, built around 2900 BCE, were little more than mudbrick structures built over the burial pits of nobles. These structures protected the body from exposure and also provided a secure place for the personal belongings of the dead noble. The familiar stone pyramids were built from about 2600 BCE and continued for several centuries. The labour appears to have been supplied by Egyptian peasants during the winter season, when there was little farm work to be performed. The early Egyptians had not invented the wheel, but probably used rollers to help move the great stones to the site and up ramps, into position.

How did they build pyrimids in ancient Egypt?

The construction of pyramids in ancient Egypt involved a highly organized and labor-intensive process. Large blocks of stone were cut from quarries and transported to the construction site. The blocks were then carefully stacked and positioned, gradually forming the shape of the pyramid. This process required the coordination of thousands of workers, who used ramps, sledges, and levers to move and lift the massive stones.

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How did the ancient Egyptian move supplies?

Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River to move nearly everything, from imports and exports to Pharaohs and sarcophagi. Most Pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings, not in pyramids. This change in burial practices was due to grave robbers. Pyramids were somewhat like a billboard sign to thieves saying, "Here's the gold and jewels and all of my most favorite of life's possessions! Come and get them!"

Why were the pyramids actually built?

The pyramids were built to house the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians believed that the pyramids would help the pharaohs move onto the next stage of life.

What location did pharaohs move to keep safe?

maybe the Valley of the Kings

How did they use an inclined plane in ancient history?

The early Egyptians used inclined planes to move heavy stones for the pyramids.

Why did the limestone come from the river valley where they built the Great Pyramid?

The limestone quarry where they mined the stone for the pyramids had to be relatively close to the pyramids (they could not move the blocks far), and the nearest good stone to be quarried was to be found between the pyramids and the Nile River.

Can you climb the pyramids today?

yes you can! i climed The Nohoch Mul pyramid in the year 2009 it was scary

Why did pharaohs move their tombs to the valley of the kings?

Because the pyramids were easy targets for grave robbers. The Egyptians started hiding their tombs in the Valley of the Kings so that no one could steal their mummies and their treasures buried with them. Their pyramids had traps and false passageways to fool grave robbers, but the grave robbers could still overcome such things.

Who kept track of pyramids?

No one. The pyramids did not move so there was no need to track them

What probably forced the very first Egyptians to move into the Nile Valley?

The first Egyptians were probably not forced to move to the Nile Valley. Modern humans arose in Africa. They filled that continent fifty thousand years ago. Ten thousand years ago, the Sarah Desert was a lush forest. People lived in a forest with the Nile River running through it. Gradually the lush forest turned to grassland. The people remained. They hunted and collected grain. As the grassland turned to desert, they learned to plant seeds and harvest grain. People already lived in the Nile Valley when the Nile Valley became the Nile Valley as we know it.

Why did the egyotians build the pyramids?

Pyramids were tombs fo Pharos. They were built so that the Pharo's spirit could move on to the afterlife.

What is a kind of valley where plates move?

It is called a rift valley.

What is a kind of valley where plates move apart?

It is called a rift valley.