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there hair was a mass of writhing snakes

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Q: Why do Hermes Athena and the Nymphs of the North Help perseus in his quest to kill medusa?
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How did Hermes and Athena help perseus?

Athena gave Perseus a polished shield, and Hermes gave Perseus a sword to attack Medusa with.

Who helped perseus to to get the head of Medusa?

Athena, Hermes, and hercules. :)

What is a story about Hermes?

Hermes aided Perseus in killing the gorgon (Medusa) by giving Perseus his winged sandals and telling him to find the Gray Sisters so they could direct him to the nymphs of the North. When he reached the nymphs they would give him Zeus' sword, Hades' helmet, and Athena's shield.

Who did perseus fight?

Perseus overcame the Gorgon Medusa with the shield, Aegis, from Athena and flying sandals from HErmes.

How did Perseus find Medusa?

he had help from Hermes and Athena to guide him to the underworld

What gods favored Perseus?

Hermes and Athena helped him on his quest to kill Medusa and Zeus was his father

Who helped perseus kill Medusa?

Athena and Hermes helped Perseus kill Medusa.

What are the divine gifts Perseus receives as he sets out on his quest to kill Medusa?

Perseus was given a sword that couldn't be broken by the Gorgon's scales, no matter how hard they were( from Hermes) and a shield and a knapsack ( from Athena).Additional answer:Also the winged sandals (from Hermes) and an invisibility cap.NO the invisibility cap was kept by the (sea?) nymphsim not sure what kind of nymphs

Did Athena and Hermes go on Perseus' journey?

Nope, they only helped him with 5 gifts that Hermes had given him , then Hermes helped him to get directions to find medusa

Which Greek hero killed Medusa?

No god killed Medusa, the hero Perseus killed Medusa with the guidance of Athena and Hermes. Pereseus did not have snakes for hair either, Medusa did. It was her punishment for laying with Poseidon in the Temple of Athena.

Who helped Perseus?

Well, honey, Perseus had a whole squad helping him out. But the main players were Athena, who gave him a shiny shield, Hermes, who hooked him up with a sick sword, and good ol' Medusa, who inadvertently helped him by turning into stone. So, yeah, Perseus had some divine intervention on his side.

How did the god help perseus?

The god Hermes aided Perseus by providing him with a sword to slay Medusa and a reflective shield to avoid looking directly at her. Additionally, Athena helped Perseus by giving him a polished shield to help him safely approach Medusa.