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because it's a desert! =D

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Q: Why is Egypt so sandy?
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What colors are pyramids in egypt?

They are made of stones (such as sandstone) so they are a sandy, tan, brown color!

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What was land like in Egypt?

very sandy and hot

What is a dry sandy place in Egypt?

A part of the Sahara called the Libyan Desert enters Egypt.

What types of land are there in Egypt?

the land type of egypt is sandy

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Is it sandy or rocky in Egypt?

Egypt would be full of sand more than rock because it is a deserty country.

What colors remind you of Egypt?

light brown and a sort of sandy color

Why is it sandy in Eygpt?

Egypt is sandy and dry because there is no water, so, there wouldn't be area for grass to grow if there is no water for it to be lasting. On the other hand, sand can survive well without water. It doesn't need water at all.

What is Ancient Egypt's climate?

hot,dry, humid,desert like,sandy,

What is the most terrian like in Egypt?

Hot, sandy, a lot of Egypt is part of the Sahara desert; very dry, arid and very very warm.

How so you pronounce the name Sandy in Hawaiian?

Sandy is pronounced Kaneki