The distinct style of ancient Egyptian artwork changed remarkably little during the civilization's 3000-year existence. Royalty, government officials, and the wealthy often commissioned art for reasons related to political Propaganda or the afterlife. The art style developed initially was well suited to its religious and political functions. Religious beliefs and political stability remained constant during much of ancient Egypt's history. Therefore, the art style did not have a reason to change over the years.
It lasted 3000 years.
In 3000 bc one of the well-known Mathematicians was murdered after bacoming a teacher for math in (Greek). Find out more at and reaserch 3000 bc-mathematics. Have fun!!!
In ancient Egypt, Papyrus was produced in 3000 BCE, and was sold to ancient Greeks and Romans. In addition to papyrus, the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt priests build rooms that were circular and shape, and constructed of mud which gave them theÊ ability to study the movement of the sun.
Yes, the ancient Egyptians are really ancient! They lived more than 5,000 years ago, and their civilization lasted for about 3000 years. You can today learn the why they write! I for one am very interested in ancient Egypt!!!!!
With the beginning of the greek civilization (as in all civs). Here between 3500 and 3000 BC. (Cycladic period)
Hieroglyphics was found in Ancient Egypt in 3000 BCE.
in 3000 BC
it was around about 3000 years ago in ancient eygpt. take the hint
It lasted 3000 years.
3000 b.C - 300 b.c
Ancient Egyp
3000 to 4000 years ago in ancient Mesopatamia
3000 miles3000 miles
When? The Holy Land has been in existence 3000 years in its capacity as a holy land.
3000 years old
Roughly 3000 years ago in Egypt.