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The Macedonians introduced an overlay of Greek culture on the peoples of disparate areas - Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Persia and, initially at least, as far as Central Asia and the Indus. Under this overlay continued the previous cultures, languages etc, and there was a progressive reversion to them, with only the aristocracies maintaining the Greek culture. Then came the Roman takeover, and it became even more muddled.

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In the Classical Era, the Greek world was comprised of over 2,000 independent city-states stretching around the Mediterranean and Black sea littorals. In the Hellenistic era, there were several Macedonian-ruled kingdoms - Macedonia, Egypt, Syria, Pergamon and some others which appeared briefly.

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Q: Why was the cultrue of the Hellenistic period so different from that of classical Greece?
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Why do we know more about classical Greece then pre classical Greece?

I do nots knows karen

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