Back in Acient Greece these myths were thought to be true, to explain things that could not be explained. They are also life lessons.
Ex: Apollo's sister Artemis was in love with a human. Apollo didn't approve so he challenged her to an Archery contest. Being the Goddess of Hunting Artemis couldn't refuse. So they both shot at a target, moving farther and farther away. Apollo purposely misses the target. Artemis knew she could hit the target and she did. The target ended up being her boyfriend. Artemis was filled with grief and decided to put her once love into the sky as stars along with his dog. The stars, as you may know, are called Orion and Sirius. The moral of the story? Do not be blinded by pride, or don't let your pride blind you.
I hope this helps you understand more.
There are many written accounts of the myths, but one of the oldest and most well-known is the Theogony written by Heroditus in 7th or 8th century BC. It was from here that we know of the Titanomachy and the Gigantomachy, wars fought between the Olympians and the Titans and Giants.
The Greek myths were stories told by the Ancient Greeks made to explain strange events, things in nature, and basically everythingon the Earth. The Greek myths weren't written down until writing in Greece was actually develpoed, and before that, the myths were all told by mouth. That is why there are many different versions of the myths. In books telling about Greek myths, the myths may be written down, but usually not every single Greek myth is in one book, as there are lots of them. I do not think one Ancient Greek man could have known or told every single myth either.
You should really look in your book when doing homework, but the answer is MYTHS.
Poems and myths, many poets were multi-talented such as philosophers. There were stories, such as Troy, many such as these were written as poems.
This is unknown, because only the Greeks wrote about their myths at that time.
Probably because Hermes is in a lot of the myths. He is a greek god, so there were myths written about him.
Cisco A. Garcia has written: 'Exposing the myths'
E.T.C Werner has written: 'Myths & Legends of China'
Roger Just has written: 'Understanding Greek Myths'
V. Ions has written: 'Myths and legends of India'
Julia Unwin has written: 'Trends, myths and realities'
Stone tablets
Katherine Virgils has written: ''Moguls, myths and miniatures; Ragamala'
Beatrice Alexander has written: 'Famous myths of the golden age' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology 'Famous myths of the golden age' -- subject(s): Greek Mythology
Rana Kabbani has written: 'Imperial Fictions Europes Myths of Orien'
V. P. Oiko has written: 'Christianity & African myths'
Danielle Feller has written: 'The Sanskrit epics' representation of Vedic myths'