College Station, Texas USA.
Yes, he is
vicent scarpace's son inspired him when his son drew his first ever fish :)
J Vincent Scarpace does not have a canonical full name as he is better known by his artist pseudonym "J Vincent Scarpace."
The very special genre of fish painting.
College Station, Texas USA.
J. vincent Scarpace used acrylic, oil, watercolour, pastel and a variety of other tools. He painted on canvas, board, paper.. etc.
J. Vincent Scarpace paints fish as an expression of beauty and freedom. He learned the fundamentals of art as a young child and has devoted his life to being an artist.
He was born in 1971.
"J. Vincent Scarpace Born in 1971 - Buffalo, New York" ipaintfish.com
Yes, he is
Jason scarpace's wife was Jennifer earles