The artist who painted the Peasant Wedding was (Pieter the Elder) Bruegel
The closest match for a painting by a Flemish painter is The Peasant Wedding. It is a painting that was done by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. He was a Flemish Renaissance painter who completed the painting in 1567.
One was the Peasant Wedding which was known because it shows his affection for peasant life and his droll humor. Another is the Tower of Babel which shows the construction of the massive tower and is the last painting that resembles to Bosch's works (the Painter who influenced him), this painting led to a new style in Pieter's paintings. The Triumph of Death was also well known just as 5 paintings that explain 5 times of the year.
Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c 1527 - 1569) was a Flemish painter. He was sometimes called "Peasant Breugel" because his paintings are often about peasant life. Many paintings are a sort of fantasy, sometimes reminding of Jerome Bosch. He had several sons, 2 of them became well-known painters.
The person could be known as a painter or as an artist.
John Taylor - painter - died in 1651.
Pieter Brueghel
Pieter Bruegel (the Elder c.1525-1569) painted The Peasant Wedding in 1568.
The closest match for a painting by a Flemish painter is The Peasant Wedding. It is a painting that was done by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. He was a Flemish Renaissance painter who completed the painting in 1567.
Pieter Bruegel (the elder), who lived from 1525 to 1569.
Pieter Bruegel.
The lives of ordinary people.
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
the live of ordinary people
the live of ordinary people
I wonder if you mean 'The Peasant Dance'. If so, the painter was Pieter Bruegel, and it was painted in 1568.
Jules Dupre, a French realist painter. The painting portrays a French peasant couple pausing during the workday to pray.
Jan van Eyck -