tear,snore or my old 1 swipe or sine
you are a retard you stick with the one you've had you can't just up and change it
long live Ldgk
It is a book where diffenert people tag in
Is she turned towards us drying herself and is the water very blue, and are there large white reflexes in the water? Then it could be Der gläserne Tag (Glassy Day), painted in 1913.
a tag in graffiti is a gangs symbol or sign. a TAG is the stuuf that you see on store windows i say its the quickest way to destor property n also some wriing negro on a store can be classified as a tag
Graffiti itself can be used as a verb. Other sayings for creating graffiti include to tag, to write, or to bomb.
It is a book where diffenert people tag in
To "throw up" is to "tag" something. It means to put up a graffiti piece.
To "throw up" is to "tag" something. It means to put up a graffiti piece.
"Guten tag" is a German phrase that is pronounced as "goo-ten tahk." The "g" in "guten" is pronounced like the "g" in "good," and the "a" in "tag" is pronounced like the "a" in "far."
something original it does not have to be a real word
They are selfish and do not respect others property.
its the tag symbol their gang
tag, blockbuster, throw up and wild style
If you saw it around your neigborhood, chances are it's the nickname or tag of somebody. There is no universal meaning of "fazm" in the graffiti culture.
im sure it is a graffiti tag name probibly not gang related just somebody who writes RANBL96 on stuf to get his name up