Is she turned towards us drying herself and is the water very blue, and are there large white reflexes in the water? Then it could be Der gläserne Tag (Glassy Day), painted in 1913.
It is a pastel.
All the ladies in Vermeer's paintings are anonymous.
1976, was when the painting "Self Portrait in the Studio" was created (with the nude woman, mainly blue painting and Sydney in the background.
Avarice is an oil painting showing a wrinkled old woman. It was painted in 1507 by Albrecht Durer. It is meant to show the fickle and quick passing nature of youth and beauty.
Grandma Moses
The cast of The Ghost of Love - 2011 includes: Peter Heckel as Man Adrienne Valentine as Woman
The duration of The Woman on the Beach is 1.18 hours.
The duration of Woman on the Beach is 2.12 hours.
Woman on the Beach was created on 2006-08-31.
The Woman on the Beach was created on 1947-06-02.
Woman's Club of Redondo Beach was created in 1922.
A beach bunny is a slang term for a young attractive woman in a bikini or at a beach.
The cast of Woman at the Beach - 2004 includes: Shiva Rose as Yvette
The identities of the women in this painting are not known.
No Woman No Cry - painting - was created in 1998.
The Mona Lisa
A painting of a woman on the arms of his man would be a good painting parody for the last bed.