On the last voyage of the Lusitania, when she was sunk by a German torpedo there were quite a few well-known people on board. None of the ones listed was a famous painter or sculptor.
Fredrick was a famous artist
He is an artist. Answer 2: Or, more correct, he was an artist.
J.M Turner or Joseph Turner. The Artist was a famous landscape artist.
No, the Lusitania is a famous passenger ship that should been targeted by the submarine. It's not the greatest idea to sink the Lusitania.
No, the Lusitania is a famous passenger ship that should not been targeted by the submarine. It's not the greatest idea to sink the Lusitania.
One famous passenger on the Lusitania was Charles Frohman. He was a famous New York theatre producer, known as the Napoleon of Drama, for his determination in conquering the entertainment business.
Yes. The Lusitania was famous a long time ago. It's really sad that the Lusitania sink during World War 1 because it was torpedoed by the German submarine the U-20 but the ship should not been targeted.
There was just one passenger liner Lusitania.
The RMS Lusitania
No. It was a passenger liner.
RMS Lusitania .
President Wilsons response to the sinking of the British passenger ship Lusitania was to send diplomatic protests
The RMS Lusitania is very famous because it was sunk by a German submarine during World War I. There was a huge loss of life and many passengers were American. The sinking of the Lusitania was one of the major reasons why the United States entered WWI and it was used a lot for propaganda.
The Lusitania