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Oil paint on canvas.

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Q: What is Paul Gauguin's medium?
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magnify glass
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What describes Paul Gauguins style?

bright color and solid flat forms

What is the time period of Paul Gauguins art work?

Post-Impressionism, the eart 20th century.

What were the names of gauguins children?

they had five children: Émile (1874–1955); Aline (1877–1897); Clovis (1879–1900);Jean René(1881–1961); and Paul Rollon (1883–1961).

What medium does Paul Cezanne work in?

Gouache, Oil, Watercolor, Other

Does paul pierce wear a shooter sleeve?

Yes. He used to wear a medium band but now wears a Nike sleeve

What was the medium used by paul Eric roca to illustrate the book Si Ching na Takot sa Dilim?

acrylic and coloured pencil.

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What is the singular of medium?

Medium is already singular. The plural is mediums.

Is medium an adjective?

It can be (medium weight, medium bomber, a medium blue). The adjective means of an intermediate or average characteristic, not the smallest of the largest. Medium often means "medium-sized."

When refering the medium have been used in the artwork which one is correct The medium i used is or the medium i used was?

The medium I used was.

What is a medium breakfast?

medium breakfast

How much money is a fender Les Paul?

First... a les paul is made by Gibson. two, it depends on the quality you are looking for. Are you looking just for the look of a les paul or the sound of a les paul? if just for look you can get a Epiphone les paul, a low to medium-high quality guitar for $200 to $2000 new. or if you want quality and resale value ect. go with Gibson less paul and those start at about $800 new for the basics up to $25,000. now Fender Has a wide range and makes of guitars