Michael Craig Martin draws observational line drawings and then puts them together and makes them connect which gives of an effect. He adds loads of different colour's to make it stand out and makes it look funky. He also does that to add effect.So his theme is random drawings
Michael Craig-Martin became an artist because he fell in love with art at the age of 12. He is best known for his work An Oak Tree.
he didn't. he is still alive and kicking! (still making great art work!)
In Bury, Lancashire in 1952
His linework is free and expressive. It is a combination of charcoal and acrylic paint that is built up in layers.
Mr. Michael Drawing Nice thought. If we mean the personal computer with an input device which accepts and translates the written word on a screen and translates them into commands then I think we might need to look to Herman Hauser of Acorn plus fame - he showed one at a presentation in 1990. Didn't work too well then but it was promising.
Michael Craig Martins inspiration was Marcel Duchamp a very big inspiration to Michael Craig Martins life.
An Oak Tree
an oak tree is his most famous piece of work
art work
On Earth...London
Michael Craig-Martin became an artist because he fell in love with art at the age of 12. He is best known for his work An Oak Tree.
in England, i think , in dublin, or Plymouth not sure real?
he creates it and can use up to 30 layers on paint
Micheal Craig-Martin uses paint on his art work. He uses block colors such as pinks greens and blues.
he didn't. he is still alive and kicking! (still making great art work!)
I have beiive she was a doctor.I have belive she was a doctor.
I think his work was done by using acrylic paint and painting flat to make it look very 3d x