His paintings were usually Western themed, and are notable for being exceptionally realistic.
Several of his more popular projects were painted in oil and watercolor.
little boy blue.
When she got started she made oil paintings (Usually on board).
Bob Ross has his own line of oil paints. His paint is a thicker consistency than standard oil paint. He also uses Liquid White, Liquid Clear, and Liquid Black before he starts to paint. These are quite runny. You can make your own using a good bit of linseed oil mixed with a tube of black or a tube of white oil paint. Liquid clear can be substituted with plain linseed oil.
she painted animal painting
C B Barber (1845-1894) specialised in this kind of subjects: moving scenes with a child and a dog. There is no special history behind each of them. Click link below and see some of his paintings!
Diego Rivera used to paint frescoes (mural paintings).
little boy blue.
oil paintings and water colours he also sketched using charcoal
dante painted the painting of your mom
Click link below and see for yourself!
he painted chiaroscuro and sfumatod paintings(:
Bob Ross used oil paints in his famous landscape paintings.
Things around him: people, landscapes, rooms, ...
he created watercolors painting and printmakings he painted many landscapes
When she got started she made oil paintings (Usually on board).
color cartoon with the theme of many different ways.