I am sorry to tell you that in an artist list comprising over 22000 artists he is not mentioned.
Is the chateau de Versailles, which was build by Louis XIV in the 17th century.
I have an Louis jambor painting melody of love and would like to know what it's worth.
Jacques-Louis David
Jacques- Louis David
To no king. He supported the revolution.
Louis Heurteaux dit Dancourt was born in 1725.
Louis Heurteaux dit Dancourt died in 1801.
Dancourt-Popincourt's population is 149.
The area of Dancourt-Popincourt is 5,900,000.0 square meters.
L.H Dancourt has written: 'L.H. Dancourt arlequin de Berlin a Mr. J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Geneve'
Florent Carton Dancourt was born on November 1, 1661.
Florent Carton Dancourt was born on November 1, 1661.
Michel Dancourt was born on October 4, 1928, in Paris, France.
Florent Carton Dancourt died on December 7, 1725 at the age of 64.
Florent Carton Dancourt died on December 7, 1725 at the age of 64.
Florent Carton Dancourt has written: 'Les trois cousines' 'Le moulin de Javelle' 'Oeuvres choisies de Dancourt' 'Chefs-d'oeuvre dramatiques de Dancourt' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'The country house' 'Les bourgeoises a la mode' 'Les oeuvres' 'Les oeuvres de Mr. Dancourt' 'Les oeuvres de Monsieur d'Ancourt'
Florent Carton Dancourt was born on November 1, 1661 and died on December 7, 1725. Florent Carton Dancourt would have been 64 years old at the time of death or 353 years old today.