Artist is Yeen N. King
(1855-1924) signed his paintings" YEENn KING " you can find his paintings in Google images, Ebay etc. ---plus lots of reprints.
The person could be known as a painter or as an artist.
John Taylor - painter - died in 1651.
Frederick Walker - painter - died in 1875.
A patron commissions works from the painter of his choice, so the painter can earn his living.
I believe it was Miro.
HENRY JOHN YEEND KING (1855-1924) signed his paintings YEENn KING
AH-yeen (עין)
The Irish word for 'daughter' is iníon(in-yeen).
Piero della Francesca
PAINTER['peintə]I. 1. художник, живописец2. бояджияPAINTER's colic оловна коликаII. n мор. фалинto cut the PAINTER пускам/отвързвам лодка, откъсвам се, отделям се, ставам самостоятелен
ah-yeen shel ha-nahmehr (עין של הנמר)
Roughly 'mwin-yeen' (muinin). Another word is 'in-teev' (iontaoibh).
''Is mé iníon m'athair'' (prononounced - Iss mae in-yeen maher)
Yes you can use kin one cases for kin onem. The difference between the kin one and the kin one m is not the size or shape. It is that there is no loop or the dot on kin onem