Mary Cassatt, American painter in Paris. Most likely, you are thinking of Mary Cassatt (1845-1926); another female artist who painted mother-child portraits was Berthe Morisot (1841-1895), a significant figure in Impressionism.
Ivan Olinsky perhaps
Renoir's famous painting The Umbrellas comes to mind. There are several umbrellas in it, though.
Robert Delaunay did, Kasimir Malevitch did, Kandinsky did.
Mary Cassatt
Diego Riviera
Ivan Olinsky perhaps
American artist Robert Rauschenberg created five "White Paintings" in 1951.
It is a very typical expressionist painting.
M.C. Escher
Grant Wood is an artist and painter who was born in 1891. He is most famous for his painting titled American Gothic.
ajay devgan
Donna Dewberry is a famous American artist. She is known to have developed a technique in painting called one stroke. She has a television show and is also featured in magazines.
Renoir's famous painting The Umbrellas comes to mind. There are several umbrellas in it, though.
There is no famous painting, called mona liza. The famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci is called 'Mona Lisa'.
Her most famous painting is said to be Distillation. It is said to be the most powerful and lyrical abstract painting down by a british artist.
His American flag painting
The American Gothic is probably his most famous painting.