Bob Ross has his own line of oil paints. His paint is a thicker consistency than standard oil paint. He also uses Liquid White, Liquid Clear, and Liquid Black before he starts to paint. These are quite runny. You can make your own using a good bit of linseed oil mixed with a tube of black or a tube of white oil paint. Liquid clear can be substituted with plain linseed oil.
The Group of Seven did impressionist paintings which meant they painted a place using only the correct colors, but exaggerating the way it looked.
using elements from the earth. water and powder was mixed to make paints, hair and fingers for paint brushes and rocks as canvas's.
Bridget Riley paints using patterns, she create illusions, her work is really fasinating you should check out some of her work, it looks so simple but really effective and her work makes patterns interesting.
Most prehistoric rock paints were done using natural earth pigments such as red and yellow ochres, clays of various colours and charcoal.
A Pully system.
by using paint brush
With a Paint Brush and Paint. Using his arms.
By using paint brushes.
Yes you can paint but by using the proper paint.
It should be paint remover using heat and not pain remover using heat. The answer is blowtorch which is used to strip off old paint.
If Chuck Norris ever hears about someone using "Can" with "Chuck Norris" in a sentence, He will surely be angry
using a paint brush
Yes. Spraying paint is faster.
you can paint it with semi gross
You can make paint dry faster by increasing air circulation, using a fan or dehumidifier, applying thin layers of paint, and using fast-drying paint products.
Apply paint remover to paint. Allow paint to dissolve into paint remover. Wipe off resulting mixture of paint and paint remover.