The relationship between lord and vassal was determined by rules of feudalism.
The term, feudalism, is not very well defined, and there is no single set of laws describing it. But this is not because the laws were unwritten, so much as because they were not uniform.
The knights were originally the heavy cavalry. The word knight came to be a title, usually given by a monarch, and was regarded as the lowest level of the nobility. A vassal was a person who had a relationship of mutual obligation with a lord. The vassal sword loyalty and obedience, and the lord granted land and protection in exchange. A vassal could be a knight, and a knight could be a vassal, but there was nothing saying they had to be.
a oath of loyalty and a pledge of military service.
In ancient times, the feudal relationship assisted the serfs in survival. Even though it was difficult and repressive, breaking off the relationship could cause starvation.
The vassal has paid their monthly tribute.We submit ourselves to your empire as a vassal.
It goes:KingDuke/EarlCountMarquess (border areas)Barons-------------------nobility^KnightsPeasants/Mercenaries/SerfsIf you are below someone, then you are a vassal. Even a king can be a vassal. William I was king of England, but also a vassal to the king of France.
The set of unwritten rules that determines the relationship between a lord and his vassal is that the vassal must protect the lord and the lord must provide protection for the vassal. This was a rule that most vassals and lords lived by.
A set of unwritten rules, known as feudal customs, governed the relationship between a lord and his vassal. These included obligations such as military service, loyalty, and providing economic support. Vassals were also expected to offer counsel and advice to their lords.
a vassal owed aleigance to his lord
a vassal owed aleigance to his lord
The lord gave land to the vassal, the vassal promised his loyalty and service.
The relationship between a vassal and the church was the same as the relationship between any other secular person and the church. The vassal was part of the feudal hierarchy, and the church had a separate hierarchy.
a serf helped a vassal because the serf came with the vassals land and that helped him with the land and any other needs for land he was not a slave but one step above the slave
The knights were originally the heavy cavalry. The word knight came to be a title, usually given by a monarch, and was regarded as the lowest level of the nobility. A vassal was a person who had a relationship of mutual obligation with a lord. The vassal sword loyalty and obedience, and the lord granted land and protection in exchange. A vassal could be a knight, and a knight could be a vassal, but there was nothing saying they had to be.
A vassal was a person, and a fief was land. A vassal swore allegiance and support to a king, and the king gave the vassal fief to live on.
The Feudal contract. The relationship between lord and vassal was made official by a public ceremony. To become a vassal, a man performed an act of homage to his lord.
A vassal is a free person who enters into a mutual agreement with a lord to provide military or other services in exchange for land, while a serf is a peasant who is bound to the land and obligated to work for a lord in exchange for protection and security. Vassals have more autonomy and legal rights compared to serfs.
Doing homage in Norman England was a feudal ritual where a vassal would pledge their loyalty and service to their lord. It involved the vassal kneeling before their lord, placing their hands between their lord's hands, and making a verbal oath of loyalty. This act solidified the relationship between lord and vassal in the feudal system.