The Roman Empire is not called the ultimate empire. It was one of the hundreds of empires which have existed in history. You probably read something written by someone who thinks that this empire was the ultimate empire. This would be an implausible claim because there have been many mighty empires.
Rome incorporated some Italic peoples into her state and then created alliances with other peoples in Italy, thus creating the biggest pool of military manpower in the Mediterranean.
First Rome grew from a small city to a sizable city which had annexed the surrounding territory. Then 3338 BC it changed from being a city-state to being a commonwealth of several ethnicities. During the First Samnite War (342-40 BC) which Rome fought against the Samnites, Rome was in a military alliance with the other Latin cities which contributed troops in the mentioned war. At the end of this war they demanded to be given Roman citizenship, but Rome refused and they rebelled. They were supported by the Campanians of the city of Capua (near Naples) who had given their city to Rome in exchange for help against a siege by the Samnites and by the Volsci, who had been enemies of Rome. Rome won this war (the Latin War, 304-338 BC). She annexed many of the Latin cities and gave them full Roman citizenship, including the right to vote (civitas otpima jure). She gave partial Roman citizenship, without the right to vote (civitas sine suffragio) to the Campanians of Capua and the Volsci. Thus, these peoples were incorporated into the Roman Republic, which greatly expanded territorially and became a regional entity, rather than a local one. It also and greatly increased her military manpower as Roman citizens, whether they had full or partial citizenship, had to serve in the army. This made Rome strongest regional military power.
As a result of winning two more wars against the Samnites (the Second and Third Samnite War (326-304 BC and 298-290 BC)), Rome gained control over much of central and southern Italy. She used her power to turn the peoples who lived in these areas into allies. These allies retained autonomy in exchange for protection by Rome and supplying Rome with soldiers at their expense. These soldiers formed auxiliary units which supported the Roman legions. The system worked because Rome supported the local ruling elites and because she shared the spoils of war with her allies. This booty could be very large and was as an incentive to fight with the Romans. Rome also seized some territories and established Roman colonies (settlements) at strategic points in these areas to consolidate her control.
At this point Rome's military manpower became the largest in the Mediterranean. The allied auxiliaries provided 60% of Rome's pool of military manpower. Pyrrhus, the king of the Greek kingdom of Epirus, failed in his attempt to conquer southern Italy because of Rome's massive superiority in military manpower (the Pyrrhic War 280-275 BC). Part of the strategy of Hannibal (the Carthaginian general) when he invaded Italy (in the Second Punic War 218-201 BC) was to win over Rome's allies to weaken her militarily. He failed to win over enough of them and this greatly contributed to his defeat. By winning this war, Rome started to expand beyond Italy.
The Battle of Zama.
Great Britain created the world's greatest empire. There was a saying, "The sun never sets on the British empire" and it was true for a time.
When Constantine converted Christian, then Christianity became a state religion for the Roman Empire.
the ambition of the roman empire is to have ruled the known world, which they did until the barbarians (also known as the Goths), Destroyed them because they were betrayed by them.
the Roman empire literally changed history. Rome spread Christianity into every corner of the know world, from Britannia to Asia minor (western Asia) and from Germany to North Africa. the Romans were very practical people, which is why the roman empire lasted so long (the eastern empire (the Byzantine empire) lasted up to 1453). They did not rule by terror or force and Rome's civilians really did get a better life - stone walled cities, baths, roads, aqueducts and a well trained, well payed professional army armed with the best equipment in the known world. the greatest legacy of ancient Rome are the far reaching effects of her presence, for instance, Hadrian's Wall (Northumberland, England) marks the end of the most powerful empire in the world, and the huge walls surrounding Constantinople that weren't overcome by an enemy until the crusades in the 15th century. But the greatest legacies are the successes of the Latin influence in modern European languages and spread of the Christian faith.
The Battle of Zama.
Great Britain created the world's greatest empire. There was a saying, "The sun never sets on the British empire" and it was true for a time.
the greatest empire in the world was the british empire the 2nd greatest empire was the mongol empire 3rd was russia the most richest empire was rome i think and the ottoman empire sucks remember that people thinks its strong but its not ok
Nantucket is the New England city that became the greatest whaling seaport in the world.
it's because he was the greatest boxer that has ever existed, so he became a inspiration to other boxers.
Creating the world's first empire
The Persian Empire, which Alexander took over.
-World's Greatest Empire as one single land under one authority and at one time, was the mongol empire (25,000,000 square meters) -World's greatest empire as one single land divided into authorities is the : Russian Empire. Britain had the worlds largest Empire, spanning 33.7 million kilometres with a quarter of the worlds landmass and people under its control. Britain was also the first muchanized, developed and urbanised country in the world and had naval as well as economic leads over other major powers for approximatly 400 years, asserting its dominance after the Napolionic wars of 1803-15. -World's greatest empire as number of population is the British empire. -World's greatest empire as one land but over time is the British empire -And world's biggest ancient empire is the Arab/Muslim empire
ships could sail directly into its port.
The Mongols.