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Yes they could. Some patrician clans became plebeian over time. Some patrician clans became extinct. Some patrician men had themselves adopted by plebeian families so as to give up their patrician status because they wanted to become plebeian tribunes. Some plebeian notables were elevated to patrician status by emperors during the period of rule by emperors.

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Q: Can the Patricians and Plebeians move up or down the social ladder?
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Were the twelve tables written down?

Basically, it was several issues and they all had to do with civil rights in some way. Before the written law, justice was dispensed by tradition and patrician interpretation of the laws. The patricians were the only ones who had access to the few laws that were written down. These circumstance did not please the plebeians, who were not only denied justice in most cases, but were also denied the opportunity to advance themselves. Plebeian work strikes and protests, such as leaving the city and camping out on the Advantine hill, were the methods that were used to force the patricians to cede power and to change the government by giving the plebeians more of a say.

What was the audience for the twelve tables?

The plebs. Before the Twelve Tables were written, they had to rely on the patricians who had the law in their heads and the plebs had to go to a patrician and seek his help, thus becoming the patrician's client and having to support him politically and financially. With the law written down, they could read it themselves and only go to a patrician when they needed his political clout.

What did the ancient Romans value?

The ancient Romans had the same sense of values as ourselves--family, friends, possessions, etc. They had one strikingly different value than we have and that is the sense of Roman honor, or dignitas. This is what made a Roman and set him above the so-called barbarians.

Why did the plebeians want laws written down?

Originally law were kept secret and the proceedings of the senate were not published. This left a lot of room for abuse of the poor by the aristocracy. The plebeians wanted written and published laws and prosecution procedures so that the rules were known by everyone, restricting abuse and giving people a chance to appeal. The uppermost grievance of the poor was the abuse of defaulting debtors by the (rich)creditors who imprisoned them, tortured them, and sometimes sold them as slaves. The Law of the Twelve Tables also established court procedures which provided a degree of protection for the defaulting debtor. The law also established clear standard penalties for crimes.

What did the tribunes of the Roman Republic represent?

Tribunes had ability to Veto, or prohibit, and forbid in Latin, Roman language. It was their responsibilities to protect the plebeians, or common people, and it was their responsiblites to not make any silly rules. That's why the laws were written down on 12 bronze table because many office people made up the rules. They didn't wanted to punised with out knowing what they did wrong, so tribunes protected plebians.

Related questions

Patricians and plebians?

These are the two social classes in ancient Rome. Patricians were the wealthy land owners while the plebeians were the subordinate farmers, merchants and artisans. In early Rome only patricians could hold any political office, but that was changed by mass exoduses by plebeians rallying for political reform. The patrician class was so small the city of Rome in and of itself could not be run without the plebeians there to help.

What was the end result of friction between the patricians andplebeians?

The end result was a recognition of the civil rights of the plebeians. The laws were written down and supposed to be followed.

Why did the plebeians demand that the laws of rome be written down and what were those written down laws called?

The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.The plebeians demanded that the laws be written so that they could know what they were. Before they were written, only the patricians knew what they were and could interpret them in any way. The written body of the laws was called the Twelve Tables.

What is us social ladder?

The social ladder in the US refers to the hierarchy of social status and wealth, with some individuals and groups occupying higher positions while others are lower. Factors such as income, education, occupation, and social connections can determine one's placement on the social ladder. Social mobility, or the ability to move up or down the ladder, is a key aspect of the US social structure.

What is it called ability of people to move up and down the ladder of success?

Social Mobility.

What does rungs mean?

A rung is a level on a ladder, but in a social sense, this word is usually used to say someone is on the "bottom rung", meaning, the bottom of the social ladder, lowest of the low. Someone who does not matter at all.

What is a plebeian?

The plebeians were the lower class. Nicknamed "plebs", the plebeians included everyone in ancient Rome (except for the nobility, the patricians) from well-to-do tradesmen all the way down to the very poor. However this was only during the beginning of the republic. Over time the Plebeians gained their rights and wealth and also became the nobility. The two groups, Patrician and Plebeian, were the aristocracy, as the majority of people in ancient Rome were immigrants and had no ancestral connection to the founders of the city, as did the Plebeians and Patricians.

Were the twelve tables written down?

Basically, it was several issues and they all had to do with civil rights in some way. Before the written law, justice was dispensed by tradition and patrician interpretation of the laws. The patricians were the only ones who had access to the few laws that were written down. These circumstance did not please the plebeians, who were not only denied justice in most cases, but were also denied the opportunity to advance themselves. Plebeian work strikes and protests, such as leaving the city and camping out on the Advantine hill, were the methods that were used to force the patricians to cede power and to change the government by giving the plebeians more of a say.

How did written law benefit plebeians?

Written law benefited plebeians by providing them with clear and accessible rules that they could refer to and understand. This helped to protect their rights and ensure fair treatment, as it made it more difficult for patricians or other powerful groups to manipulate or interpret the law to their advantage. Written law also helped to empower plebeians by allowing them to more effectively advocate for themselves and challenge unjust practices.

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