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Q: Did a medieval page have to be a boy?
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Related questions

Who trained the page in medieval times?

A page was a boy in the first stage of training to be a knight, the next stage being squire. Pages were trained by the knights to whom they were apprenticed, and their squires.

What does the name Paige mean?

It is of English origin, and its meaning is "young servant". A page in medieval households was usually a young boy whose service was the first step in his training as a knight. Use may possibly indicate an ancestor who was a page.

What is the helper of a king?

A "Page" or "Page-Boy" .

What did Page's do in medieval times?

A page was a young apprentice to a knight. His job was to run whatever errands and do whatever jobs he was told to do. He was also studying to become a knight himself. Pages were seven to thirteen years old. After being a page, a boy became a squire and went through the second half of his apprenticeship as such.

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How did boy boy become a knight in medieval times?

A boy started training to become a knight at age of 7-14 and became a Page 14-21. After that he became a Squire which is an apprentice to a Knight. Eventually the Squire might be dubbed a knight by a King or the Knight who trained him after praying and standing vigil for an extended period.

What age does a boy become a page?

In medieval times, boys typically became pages around the age of 7. This marked the beginning of their training in chivalry and other skills necessary to serve as a knight's attendant.

What position reanked inbetween a page and a knight in medieval times?

a squire

How was a medieval page important?

well some of them are to important to there parents when there alone

When did a son of a noble become a page?

in medieval Europe it was about age 8

What will a boy wear if he was important in the medieval times?

he will wear dishrags

What was the layout of a medieval kingdom?

big boy of site to see