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The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

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11y ago

Yes, a plebeian did have the right to veto, if he were elected to a political office which gave him that right. Please remember that the plebeians were a social class, not a political party. A plebeian, as a Roman citizen, had the right to run for political office if he chose and along with being elected, came the right to veto the actions of officers of state of equal or lower rank. Officers of state of the same rank could veto each other and the officers of lower rank, but not those of higher rank. This power to veto pertained to actions by officers of state, not proposals, and required the person's presence just prior to of during the action to block the action.

The plebeian tribunes, who were the representatives of the plebeians, but not officers of state, were the only people who had the right to veto legislative bills.

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13y ago

The plebeians had the power of the veto in ancient Rome. Their tribunes were plebeians.

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How did the veto protect the plebeians?

The plebeian tribunes, who were the representatives of the plebeians, had the power to veto any actions by executive officers of state which he deemed as detrimental to the interest or safety of the plebeians.

Why were Romans consuls awarded the power of the veto?

The power of veto was not just restricted to the consuls. All officers of state (consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors) had the power of veto. Officers of the same rank could veto each other and officers of higher rank could veto officers of lower rank. The tribune of the plebeians, who was the representative of the plebeians (commoners), but not an officer of state, also had to power of veto. The power to veto the actions of officers of state was the Roman system of checks and balances of power. It was meant to reduce the chance that the officers would abuse their power. The power of veto of the tribune of the plebeians was also meant to prevent the abuse of the commoners by the state.

When did the plebeians get the right to hold office in rome?

5 th century b.c

What allowed government officials to restrict the power of other officials of rome?

Roman officers of state could restrict each other's power through the power to veto. Officer of state of the same ranks could veto each other's actions. Officers of state of higher rank could veto the actions of officers of state of lower rank. It was actions which could be vetoed. Only the plebeian tribunes, who were the representatives of the plebeians, but were not officers of state, could veto laws.

What did plebeians wear?

what kind of clothing did plebeians wear? what kind of clothing did plebeians wear? : this is a stupid answer, "no it isn't because i'm studying rome so stut the F**K UP this is the right one: plebeians wore long tunics with long sleeves and are avoided by society

Related questions

How did the veto protect the plebeians?

The plebeian tribunes, who were the representatives of the plebeians, had the power to veto any actions by executive officers of state which he deemed as detrimental to the interest or safety of the plebeians.

How is the Veto important to the Roman Republic?

The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.The veto was a political tool originally used by tribunes who were elected to look after the interests of the plebeians. Over time the position of the plebeians changed and the power of the veto was used by the politicians to either stop an opponent or to propose their own agenda.

Why was Veto important in Rome?

Veto literally means "I forbid" or "I prohibit". It was the phrase used by the Tribunes of the Plebs to forbid or "veto" any proposal they felt would harm the plebeians. It was a power tool that was originally used to guard the rights of the plebeians.

How did tribunes protect plebeian interests in the roman republics?

The tribunes protected the rights of the Plebeians by their veto. They had the power to veto or negate any law or proposition put foreword by anyone except a dictator.

Why were Roman awarded the power of the veto?

The power of veto was not just restricted to the consuls. All officers of state (consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors) had the power of veto. Officers of the same rank could veto each other and officers of higher rank could veto officers of lower rank. The tribune of the plebeians, who was the representative of the plebeians (commoners), but not an officer of state, also had to power of veto. The power to veto the actions of officers of state was the Roman system of checks and balances of power. It was meant to reduce the chance that the officers would abuse their power. The power of veto of the tribune of the plebeians was also meant to prevent the abuse of the commoners by the state.

Why were Romans consuls awarded the power of the veto?

The power of veto was not just restricted to the consuls. All officers of state (consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors) had the power of veto. Officers of the same rank could veto each other and officers of higher rank could veto officers of lower rank. The tribune of the plebeians, who was the representative of the plebeians (commoners), but not an officer of state, also had to power of veto. The power to veto the actions of officers of state was the Roman system of checks and balances of power. It was meant to reduce the chance that the officers would abuse their power. The power of veto of the tribune of the plebeians was also meant to prevent the abuse of the commoners by the state.

Why were roman consuls awarded the power the veto?

The power of veto was not just restricted to the consuls. All officers of state (consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors) had the power of veto. Officers of the same rank could veto each other and officers of higher rank could veto officers of lower rank. The tribune of the plebeians, who was the representative of the plebeians (commoners), but not an officer of state, also had to power of veto. The power to veto the actions of officers of state was the Roman system of checks and balances of power. It was meant to reduce the chance that the officers would abuse their power. The power of veto of the tribune of the plebeians was also meant to prevent the abuse of the commoners by the state.

What group could veto senate actions on behalf of the plebeians?

The plebeian tribunes, the representatives of the plebeians , could block the actions of the executive officer of state if he seemed them to be against the interests of the plebeians or harmful to them. They could also veto the seantum consultum. This was a deliberation of the senate on policy matters which had an advisory character for the consuls, the two annually elected heads of the Republic.

What veto in ancient rome was the most talked about?

The power of veto was exercised by the executive officers of state. Officers of the same rank could veto each other's actions. Officers of higher rank could veto the actions of officers of lower rank. The plebeian tribunes, the representatives of the plebeians (commoners) had the power to veto actions taken by officers of state which they deemed to be harmful to the plebeians, intervening on their behalf. This power was limited to the city of Rome and they could exercise it only if they staid in Rome as they had to be physically present when the action they could veto was carried out.

Do you believe the patricians shared enough with the plebeians?

Yes, the patricians did share plenty of power with the plebeians. Think of the office of tribune, who was a plebeian and could veto any legislation or resolution that the patricians put forward.

What is right of veto?

If congress passes a bill the president has the right to "veto" or not pass it.

What is the governor's right to reject a bill called?
