You need to specify which empire you are referring to if you want to make it possible to answer your question.
The Middle Ages began after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
There can be a whole range of outcomes. Their areas, or part of them, might be taken over by another empire. When an empire collapses due to invasions by several peoples, the lands of the empire might be carved into kingdoms of the invading peoples (as in the case of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire). Conquered areas which are no longer under the rule of the empire might start wars against each other (as in the Balkan Peninsula when countries were created after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. With the collapse of the central power of the empire, the empire might fall prey to warlords and descend into military anarchy until a new central power and empire is created (as with the collapse of the Chinese dynasties). These are just a few examples.
Charlemagne united most of Western and Central Europe under the Carolingian Empire, which was the first new empire in Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
The major cause of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The Romans lacked unity and were unable to fend off these invasions. These peoples, and two more Germanic peoples, who had been allowed to settle in parts of the empire, took over lands in this part of the empire. Eventually all of its lands were seized, except for Italy. At the end of this process, even Italy was taken over by the Ostrogoths, who were sent there by the eastern Roman Emperor to depose a usurper.
Rome was a had a very big empire so that made Rome collapes because the empire couldn't take care of Rome anymore and the empire just got bigger and bigger
The Roman Empire collapsed because it was taken over by incoming peoples from Eurasia. They hastened this by admitting large numbers of these migrants. There is a lesson here for today's Europe.
A hunter-gatherer group called the Aryans. They eventually caused the collapse of the Harrappan Empire.
A theocracy
They influenced the Romans history because they were a huge part in causing the roman empire to fall
Yes, Ancient Rome's bureacracy (government) did become too top heavy. The Roman government kept hiring soldiers for the military. When this happened, the soldiers had to be paid, so taxes would increase. Eventually, causing Rome's government to become too top heavy and collapse. Emperor Diocletian made administrative changes which greatly increased the size of the imperial bureaucracy so as to gain a more autocratic control over the empire. However, Constantine I trimmed the bureaucracy as it had become grossly oversized, too expensive and undermined the cities as many of their administrators had left the cities to join the imperial bureaucracy. The size of the army was a financial burden, but it did not lead to collapse as such. The collapse of the empire was due to a complex range of factors. A large army was needed to defend the vast frontier of the empire which stretched from France all the way to Syria. The Romans found it difficult to cope with this and a pattern of legions sent to areas under attack leaving other areas vulnerable to raids developed. Barbarians near the frontier raided the areas left exposed and would withdraw or get defeated by the returning Roman legions. To deal with this situation more efficiently, emperor Galienus developed a cavalry-only force which acted as a rapid deployment force to be sent to the troubled areas. When the pressure on the empire grew again towards the end the western empire, the Romans resorted to enlisting Germanic soldiers or hiring Germanic mercenaries in order to cope One historian sees the size of the army as having contributed to the fall of the empire by leading d to a tax burden that weakened the peasantry. Another historian sees the political power of the army and the many civil wars between leaders of different legions as the contributing factor, rather than size as such. I am inclined to take the latter view as an army succesful in battle could provide the revenue of loot. The number of times the Roman army was defeated increased in the final period.
The Middle Ages began after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
He used an extensive bureaucracy.