Yes shamans still exist, here is an example of a very wise old shaman, there are many more in Brazil and India, and In the native American culture.
in a word no
Many of the Roman Catholic Orders come to mind - notably The Franciscans - The Jesuits - etc. - many others, I'm sure.
This is an excellent question that should be asked to Wall Street. In the real sense, "the roman empire" has risen and has fortuanetly already fallen a long time ago. In the figurative sense, it may very well still exist under another name: "Wall Street".
The Berlin Wall fell on the 9th of November 1989. Yes it still does exist in people's mind and they also share their memories about it.
yes iis still exist
Slavery did exist in 2004 and still exists today.
No it does not
Yes famine still exist in many parts of the world.
Yes, it does...
yes the yellow fever still exists today.
does the maya government still exist today yes or no
yes it does