he killed the other king at the time and gained power or he won a civil war with his rival hope this helped u people in the world like me
the republic was the government that disappeared when Caesar Augustus replaced it with the principate.
The Roman Republic ended when Caesar Augustus came to power
Caesar defeats Pompey's forces and enters Rome, triumphant and unchallenged. He makes himself dictator and absolute ruler of Rome and its territories. Caesar founds many colonies in newly conquered territories and provides land and opportunity for poor Romans who choose to migrate there. He reduces the number of slaves and opens citizenship to people livingin the provinces. Finally, he creates a new calendar named the Julian calendar. This very calendar, with a few minor adjustments, is the same one used around the world today.
That's easy: Gaius Julius Caesar (known as Caesar), Caesar Augustus (known as Augustus - or Octavianus), Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (called Nero).
Augustus was Rome's first emperor, and he came to power in 27 BC.
Augustus was succeeded by Tiberius.
When Caesar Augustus came to power, the Triumvirate form of government disappeared from Rome. Augustus reintroduced the Republic to Rome.
Augustus came to power by winning it. Even though he was adopted and named Caesar's heir he had an uphill climb to reach the ultimate success. By smart political moves in Rome and by winning the last republican civil war at Actium, he finally gained the supreme power.
Augustus brought the Roman Republic to an end.
Octavian ultimately came to power after Julius Caesar's death and became Rome's first emperor. He received the title Augustus, therefore we know him as Caesar Augustus or Augustus Caesar.
Romulus Augustus lost his power in 476 AD, which is considered the fall of the western Roman empire and the end of ancient Rome.
He formed a triumvirate, sharing power with Augustus and Lepidus.
Rome was at its peak of its power during the reign of Augustus.
the republic was the government that disappeared when Caesar Augustus replaced it with the principate.