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Swords and arrows were common ways for soldiers to kill one another in medieval times. Battle axes, maces, morning stars (spiked maces), and halberds were other common instruments of war.

Witches might be burned, drowned, stoned, or hanged. Many criminals in Europe were hanged. Some were stoned or pressed--which means stones were piled on them until they were crushed. Quite a few were tortured to death in various devious ways.

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14y ago
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13y ago

§ people killed prisioners all types of different ways here are some examples: Hanging- Burning- § The Pillory and the Stocks- Whipping- § Branding-§ Pressing- § Ducking stools- § The Wheel-§ Boiling in oil water or lead Starvation in a public place-she died.

§ Starvation in a public place-

§ Cutting off various items of the body - hands, ears etc- § The Gossip's Bridle-

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12y ago

There was a lot of variation according to time and place.

Early Germanic law was clearly intended to compensate victims or their families, and most crimes were punished with fines. In Anglo Saxon England, there was even a prescribed fine for killing a king.

On the other hand, some dynasties of kings were known for torture. The Plantagenet kings of England were known for this.

Theft was usually punished by fining the criminal a multiple of the value of the thing stolen. The court divided the payment with the victim, with the court getting a quarter or a third of the total. There were places where people were exiled for committing theft, and there were places where they were confined to a neighborhood; in either case, being found where you were not supposed to be could result in death.

Some crimes were not punished. In Wales there was a law saying that if a poor person stole food, if he could show that he had begged for food at a certain number of houses unsuccessfully, he could not be punished for the theft.

People were put in stocks. When this punishment was used, the people being punished had to sit in the stocks for a certain number of hours on different dates in different seasons.

Certain crimes were punished in some places by allowing duel to be fought.

We should bear in mind that forced confession, trial by combat, torture, and such things were opposed by the Church. Such opposition was not always of long standing effect, but sometimes it was.

There were also people who were notoriously cruel, and some of these are legendary. Vlad III of Wallachia, known as Vlad the Impaler, is an example.

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15y ago

they died from diseases that couldn't be cured back then or by old age because the life expectancy was much lower then

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12y ago

Hanging, burnt at the stake for heresy, removal of limbs, staking, fines, improisonment

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