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it was handwritten.

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Q: How did people in the Middle Ages print books before the printing press?
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Did children go to school in the middle ages?

Generally, no. Very few did and books were hard to come by. The printing press wasn't invented until 1448 so books were not something people to go out and buy. The church told the bible through stories, plays, and the stain glass windows in the church walls. In court cases people verbally told the judge what was the problem ( that is why we have testimony in cases today), and stories like Robin Hood were oral poems so people could remember the tale and retell it over and over. Some nobility could read and the priests did read as well as wrote or copied books.

How did the Romans come to invent books?

The Romans did not invent books. Books had been around in some form for a couple of thousand years. The Romans used books, but their "books" were written on scrolls that were unrolled to be read. From the scroll, the codex developed, which was a handwritten manuscript, the pages most times bound together. An actual book as we know it was not developed until the invention of the printing press.

How did printing develop?

The earliest written material is carved into stone walls, or in clay tablets. The Egyptians used papyrus as a writing medium, the Chinese used rice paper, and other societies used hides and cloth. Eventually paper and parchment were widely produced, simplifying writing and allowing books to be bound of individual pages. But they were still copied by hand, most famously by the monks of the Dark Ages. The development of movable type (from the ancient printing technique of woodblocks) spurred the growth of printed text, and printing presses of the 15th Century produced many different kinds of publications. Printing books and other publications was done with plate and rotary presses, which were the standard for printing until 1903 and the development of the offset press (using a rubber roller rather than direct contact with the printing plate). Versions of the offset press are still used for books and newspapers today, despite the advent of affordable forms of digital printing.

What books did people in the middle ages read?

[Response 1] In Italy I'm pretty sure plays were popular _________________________________________________________ [Response 2] Although the Middle Ages (especially the Late Middle Ages) were often a time of instability and turmoil, many literary works from the period have been called 'great' by literary scholars. These include 'Beowulf,' possibly the oldest major work of Old English; the Song of Roland, the oldest extant work of French literature; the medieval German romance 'Parzival'; the works of Dante, who invented the interlocking three-line rhyme scheme and daringly used vernacular in his 'Divine Comedy'; Petrarch's 'Il canzoniere'; Boccaccio's 'Decameron; 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'; and several others. The Middle Ages also saw what is most likely the first English book written by a woman: 'Revelations of Divine Love,' by Julian of Norwich.

How was Europe before the Renaissance?

Before the Renaissance, Europe was under the authority of the church, people had no right to enquire and the people who questioned the authorities of the church were either killed or excommunicated. Some rights were only limited to the noble or the rich people. Only the rich were educated and only the rich could read the holy books.

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How were books made before the printing press Was Invented?

People took paper and wrote on it...

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How does Johannes Gutenberg invention affect the generation today?

Johnannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This allowed for the people to get books faster and more of them. Before the printing press was invented, monks would sit and hand write the long books. I also gave people a chance to learn how to read. Many people could not read before the printing press because books were expansive and scarce.

How were books produced before the age of printing?

Historic record show that books were hand written

Before the printing press how were books reproduced?

Before the printing press, books were reproduced by hand. Scribes would copy books by writing out each letter and illustration, making each copy unique and time-consuming to produce. This manual process limited the availability of books and contributed to their high cost.

Why did the printing press spread so quickly throughout Europe?

before the printing press was upgraded by gutenberg, it was very hard to get a book. The printing press help make books cheaper so more people could afford them and read and discover the ideas inside the book.

Why was invention of printing so important?

Because, before it's invention all books had to be handwritten, and so only the wealthy could buy them. But once printing was invented, books became much easier to make, and therefore cheaper, so more people could have them.

Why was it hard for the general population to access books before the printing press?

Before the printing press, books had to be copied by hand, making them time-consuming and expensive to produce. This limited the number of books available and made them accessible only to the wealthy or those living in monasteries and universities.

During the Middle Ages the most direct effect of the printing press in Europe was what?

Limited use of books in universities

Before printing press was invented monks were responsible for copying books?

Basically, yes. They made books like the Book of Kells and other books.

What is the reason behind the existence of library?

In the early days books were simply too expensive for most people to posess. Before printing was invented, books had to be copied by hand, which limited their availability and made them expensive.

Why was the invention of printing so important?

Because, before it's invention all books had to be handwritten, and so only the wealthy could buy them. But once printing was invented, books became much easier to make, and therefore cheaper, so more people could have them.