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For the most part, medieval people did not rule themselves, but were ruled by kings, through a system of nobility, feudalism, and subinfeudation called the feudal pyramid. Basically, and in a highly simplified description, this meant that the kings told the high ranking nobles what to do, the high ranking nobles told the lesser nobles what to do, and the lesser nobles told the serfs what to do. This system was moderated by the Church, and also by the fact that the feudal obligations went two ways: the nobility told the serfs what to do, but they were limited severely by custom and the fact that they also had obligations to provide land, housing, and protection to the serfs.

Nevertheless, there were people who were self governing. There were independent republics, and probably the most important or well known was Venice. Venice was founded as a republic in 697, and remained so until after the Middle Ages ended. Other cities and communal towns existed throughout Italy and the Holy Roman Empire. Some of these had a sort of primitive democracy, though we might regard them as overly primitive to be called by that name. For example, in some cities, the government was done by vote, but the voters were limited to guild members. In other cities the government was provided by clergy. In Iceland, there were voters, but the right to vote was passed from one person to one person by inheritance or sale, and was limited to only a couple hundred people.

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14y ago
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14y ago
Answereat, sleep, play, joust, prepare for battle, sword fight, kill [food] and other stuff like blacksmith [weaponry] or dancing AnswerMost medieval people worked in agriculture, even if they were in monastic organizations.

There were a lot of trades during the middle ages, including specialties such as pottery, blacksmithing, and so on. Also, as the time developed, specialized trades that required more general skill became common, including such things as baking, and making cheese.

There were travelers who took care of such things as mending small metal items, and these were called tinkers.

Every medieval society had soldiers of all types, though infantry and archers were recruited from the farm population.

The clergy were around in great numbers, both monks and nuns and priests.

There were the nobility, and a whole group of people who worked for them, such as stewards and lawyers.

Merchants who travelled became more important as time passed, buying and selling such goods as cloth and spices.

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14y ago
AnswerIn the middle ages in Europe people were governed by feuderal lords AnswerActually, things were a little more complicated than that. There were other forms of government. And, in fact, there is even some question what feudalism is. According to some historians, who view it narrowly to include a weak central government, with distributed power through a feudal hierarchy, it did not exist at all in much of the middle ages, never existed everywhere in Western Europe, and did not exist in the Byzantine Empire.

Most people were governed by monarchies, feudal or otherwise. The monarchies could be headed by kings, emperors, princes, or various kinds of counts.

While monarchs were supposed to inherit their titles in most places, in some places they were elected. The Holy Roman Empire is the most prominent example, where emperors were elected by seven electors consisting of four who inherited their titles and three bishops.

Governments run by monarchs were always opposed to some extent by the lords and people of those countries. The result was the creation of parliaments and charters of rights such as the Magna Carta, which limited the powers of the monarch.

Some of the people in Europe lived with republican governments, and these came into existence early on. The Republic of Venice is an example, and it dates from 697 AD, according to medieval records.

Many cities in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, and elsewhere were medieval communes, meaning that they were essentially republican in nature. Many of these cities were within kingdoms or the Holy Roman Empire. In some cases, these communes formed alliances with other cities, both within and outside the countries in which the cities existed. Thus, there were cities in the Holy Roman Empire which were republican communes and were members of the Hanseatic League, which had its own military forces and was as powerful as some countries.

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11y ago

dont steel other peoples chickens

ANSWER: The rules that were followed were generally set by the Church. Even the Kings and Queens followed these rules, which set forth times when people had to fast, and how often they must attend Mass, confession, and the like. Other than that, societal rules generally were based on keeping the peace: don't steal from your neighbor, pay your taxes and tithes, etc.

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13y ago

By controlling literacy; the only people with access to books were those in the church, even The Bible could not be read by ordinary people as it was in latin, the language of the church. They made this doubly difficult by forbidding, under pain of death, the translation of the bible.

Royalty was controlled by promising a quick pass to heaven if the church was rewarded first. By controlling kings the church also had more control over the population as they would keep the common people in their place.

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10y ago

The answer depends on what geographical area and what time period of medieval history that the question is concerning.

In areas of mainland Europe during the early Medieval period, governments were very decentralized. Monarchs delegated power to lower lords to defend the borders of the kingdom. The relationship between the monarchs and these lower lords is characterized in the historical concept of 'feudalism.' In this model of rule, medieval kings only had serious power over their own personal lands, generally at the heart of the kingdom. The king had no legal power over the lords that they gave land and power to. While these lower lords still recognized the king, the lords were the supreme rules within their own lands.

As the medieval period progressed in the creation of nation states, kings sought to centralize their authority by limiting the powers of the lower lords and removing their estates from their control. In this model of rule, the king simply had more resources that he could call upon to destroy rebelious lords.

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11y ago

Medieval rule was based on Kingdoms. The King or Queen was the supreme ruler. Below them were the Feudal Lords.

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10y ago

Medieval monarchs kept control through fear and intimidation. They passed laws that limited the ability of the poorer class to amass the supplies they needed to institute an uprising.

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by kings and queens

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