People would be forced to wear bells in medieval times because they committed a crime, such as rape. They forced the rapist to wear the bell to warn others when they were in close proximity.
In medieval times, a queen, king, prince, or princess would wear a crown. In current times, an actor playing one of these parts in a medieval re-enactment may wear a medieval styled crown.
he will wear dishrags
they wore aprons for work
in medieval times they would wear...... clothes
they would where silk
Elves didn't exist in medieval times - but people would have imagined them to wear woollen or linen smocks or cloaks - since that is what poor country folk in general wore.
Jesters were a type of clown in Medieval times who were expected to entertain court. Therefore they often had bright dress with a distinctive hat with many bells.
In medieval times, a queen, king, prince, or princess would wear a crown. In current times, an actor playing one of these parts in a medieval re-enactment may wear a medieval styled crown.
why did the reeve wear a horn in medieval times
he will wear dishrags
a Frock
They wore clothes