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They though of it as what depended on the social structure and the religion

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Q: How did people see the world in medieval times?
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Whats the difference between Modern Day Europe and Medieval Europe?

fat people NO unlike now and then people in the medieval times in Europe had less advantages. such as trains, computers, and good hygiene with modern day medicines. The age limit back then was around in the twenties to die. Now all people live a bit longer. But if there wasn't a Medieval times then there wouldn't be great sites to see in Europe.

What are the Ancients?

Historians tend to see anything before Medieval Times as Ancient.

What did you have to do to see a witch in medieval times?

In Medievel times, there were no such things as a Witch. To see a Witch, they would accuse a woman, and then they would burn her to see if she died. If she lived (no woman did), she was a witch.

What medicines were available to medievil people?

Medieval people would used home remedies that they made from willow bark or other materials. People in medieval times would not normally see a doctor because of the distance and not able to be reached easily. There would be some monasteries that provide medical care or town pharmacies that sold medicines.

How did people in the Medieval Times try and punish witches?

In the medieval times, "witches" were sometimes thrown into ponds or other bodies of water to see if they float, following the common belief that witches floated. It they didn't float, they were declared not a witch, but sometimes the result was that the person had drowned anyway. If someone was declared a witch, then she was therefore not Christian and should be burned.

What did the stonemasons eat in the medieval times?

See the related question for information.

What did medieval pilgrims travel to a cathedral to see?

Medieval pilgrims traveled to cathedrals on on pilgrimages to see relics.

What did medieval people eat and drink?

they ate bread meat and drank ale See this related link for more.

Why should people visit medieval Europe?

Because it has a lot of great things to see and it is a very beautiful place