I don`t know, maybe the Romans were too lazy :)
But to answer your question, the Romans already thought that their spears were long enough to jab their opponents. So they thought their swords should be short for close range, the opponent about 2-4 feet away from them.
Another theory is that they used to knock their opponents with their shield so that the opponent becomes dizzy or unaware of what`s going on, so that the Romans have the opportunity to jab them freely. This only happens when the opponent gets too close to him.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
The Spanish sword or "gladius" helped Rome's army because of the close combat type of fighting that the Romans used. It was more effective to use a thrusting weapon in man to man combat than to use the longer swords which took more room to wield and because of this could leave unwanted gaps in the lines if a man fell.
Firstly, remember that a legion was the main unit of a Roman army. The Romans would naturally use their legions to conquer new territories. Therefore the legions helped Rome expand during the republic.
The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.The Romans built a strong and unified empire by their army, their law and their language. The army conquered and built roads, the law ruled and the language made communication easy.
Boudicca was not terrifying to her own people. In fact, she was a hero to them. But she was terrifying to the Romans as she had no control over her so-called army and they rampaged and committed atrocities against the Romans.
Romans did not have compasses, however did know of the pole star (which always is directly north).
by beating the crap out of anyone who didnt agree with the law But seriously, the Romans governed their empire according to Roman laws and Roman custom. This was one of the secrets to their success. The empire was united under the same laws and provincials had certain legal rights and were able to use them.
People who were not in the army would sometimes have a sword or a dagger.
Their strong army and their determination helped the Romans conquer. The strength of their army was unequalled in the ancient world at the time of their expansion. Their determination and tenacity were also unequalled. If the Romans wanted a city or territory, they took it, no matter how long or how difficult the task. The sieges of Alesia and Masada are prime examples of this determination.
The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.The Romans had many weapons but the standard weapon for a soldier was his "gladius" or sword and his "pugio" or knife. He also had a couple or three javelins. The army as a whole had various types of siege engines and various types of catapults.
the Romans had an army to concur land and make there empire stronger.
Firstly, remember that a legion was the main unit of a Roman army. The Romans would naturally use their legions to conquer new territories. Therefore the legions helped Rome expand during the republic.
The Romans were popular for their army and their construction!
many became nurses and helped at the camps with cooking,cleaning,and sometimes helped fire cannons if the army was short handed.
The Gladius Hispaniensis was the short sword which was used by the Roman army. Its short size and light weight made it suitable for close, man-to-man infantry combat.
its simple not a good enough army unlike the romans who in my opinion the romans are the most powerful army and the best trained
No, they were just a different type of cavalry, usually mounted infantry armed with a sword or a carbine ( short light rifle )
The Romans soldiers had short sword called gladius hispaniensis, a heavy javelin called the pilum (plural pilae) six plumbatae (singular plumbata, derived from plumbum, which means lead) clipped to the back of the shield and a dagger called pugio. Later the spatha, a long sword was used at first by the cavalry and than by the infantry as well. The Romans also had a crossbow-like catapult (the ballista) and a sling type of catapult, the onager. The ballista was also developed into a hand-held weapon. The early Roman army was divided into a heavy infantry which had a thrusting spear, the hasta (plural hastae) and a sword which was probably called ensis, and light infantry which used with short javelins called verutum(plural veruta).
Bear in mind that the Roman army spanned over 1000 years and the styles of weapons changed. However the Romans used three basic types of sword for the infantry. The first was the so-called Spanish sword, the original gladius, the second was the Mainz/Fulham type whose blade was waisted and shorter and broader than the original Spanish sword. The third type of sword is known as the Pompeii type which had a short triangular point. These names for he swords came from the places where they were found. The cavalry used the long "spatha" type of sword which was engineered for swinging rather than the gladii which the infantry used which were engineered for thrusting.