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First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

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First of all remember that the first triumvirate was not a formal or even legitimate political office. It was merely an alliance between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, for each man's political benefit. Society in general was mainly affected by the unrest and wars which occurred. Crassus raised an army and was annihilated. Political alliances were formed, dropped and reformed. The street gangs led by Clodius and Milo each acted to serve their patron's causes. Caesar and Pompey had a civil war.

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How many miles was the roman empire?

At the height of its power in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, the Roman Empire consisted of some 2.2 million square miles (5.7 million sq. km).

Which statement best describes one way that Classical Greek sculpture influenced Roman sculptors?

Greek sculpture influenced the Romans from the 2nd century BC. Prominent 1st century BC and 1st century AD Romans such as Cicero and Pliny the Elder greatly admired the innovative work of classical Greek sculpture artists, such as Polykleitos. However, the Romans did not produce much sculpture based on the classical Greek model. Their sculpture was predominantly portraiture (see below) until , from the 1st century AD, the Romans adopted Hellenistic sculpture, which took sculpture to a different level, as a model for their own sculpture. Prior to the influence of Greek sculpture, Roman sculpture was portraiture sculpture (busts). Their portraiture sculpture is regarded as the best sculpture of this kind ever produced.

Were the Roman and Greek empires around during the same time period?

The Greek and Roman Empire are identically different. The Greek one is older than the Roman since it was established by Alexander the Great at 323 BCE and lasted in the mainland of Greece until 146 BCE and the last remaining part of the Greek Empire Egypt until the death of Cleopatra Philopator the VII at 30 BCE. The foundation of the Roman Empire took place in the 1st century BCE with first Emperor Augustus between 27 BCE 14 AD/ CE.

What were two units of Roman soldiers that were smaller than the legion called?

A legions was had 10 cohorts. Cohort 2 to 10 had six centuries each. the 1st cohort had 5 double sizes centuries.Thesmallestunit was the conternubium, a platoon of 8 men who shared a tent.

How long did the Romans rule britannia?

The Romans did not rule the world. Their empire did not cover the whole world; in fact, most of the world was not then known. The Roman Empire covered western Europe up to the river Rhine and central Germany, the Balkan Peninsula (south-eastern Europe) the Middle East west of Iran and north of Saudi Arabia and the coast of North Africa. The Roman Empire expanded gradually. It expanded into central and southern Italy in the 4th century BC and around the Mediterranean in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. More conquests were made in the 1st century AD and it reached its greatest extent in 116. The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by Germanic peoples. The conventional date given for its end is 476. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist until its capital, Constantinople, was taken by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part.

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