They built straight roads so that they could travel quicker; thus covering less territory.
so they can travel
The Romans left roads because they wanted the roads so that they can get to other places of Britain easier and quicker.
The Romans were extremely good at building things, roads, buildings, bridges, walls; anything they needed. They were excellent engineers and craftsmen. They were very well trained, and worked hard to find the best way to execute an engineering project. They had the time and the money to spend on projects, like roads, that were important to the empire.Well, roads helped the Romans be able to travel easier from province to province.They tended to build the roads so they could carry heavy things and walk on the roads
The Romans build many roads for the same reasons that we have so many roads today-- to get from here to there. The Romans (and ourselves) used roads to transport people and goods from place to place. The army was efficiently moved along better roads and better roads made for better transport of trade goods. Communications with all parts of the empire was possible, at least in part, by the use of good roads.
1.Made Hadrian's Wall for defence.2. Brought new and tropical foods.3. Made Baths for leisure.4. Brought actually sane Kings.5. Made straight, smooth roads.Sewage, aqueducts viticulture.....Answer 2Technologies the Romans helped contributed to include indoor plumbing and the dome. They also perfected the technology for the arch.Think of language as one of the most important contributions of the Romans. French, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese and Italian are called Romance languages due to their origins in Latin. Many English words also have Latin origins such as prefixes and suffixes--manual, pedal, territory, homicide, eject and Amanda are all words that have a Latin origin and those a just a couple.Latin is also the language of the Catholic Church. It was one of the original languages of Christianity. The vernacular translations of the Bible come from the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible.The Roman Republic was an example of a Senatorial system. The Roman Empire united many areas and peoples under one system. There are current roads built over the original roads the Romans made from France to Italy. The Fall of the Roman Empire pushed Europe into the Dark Ages where knowledge was lost. If the Romans had no contribution, then there would not have been the Dark Ages.ANSWERIf I may suggest, do try to watch the movie "The Life of Brian" from the famous Monty Python comedy series. One of the characters in the movie asks the very same question and gets a very funny and comprehensive answer.:) it is a very funny film and it tells you about everything the Romans have ever done for us .
So it was quicker to get were you were going.The Romans wanted to make sure there roads were straight so their soldiers could get places faster.
so they can travel
so they can travel
Because it was the quickest way from point A to point B.because sharp corners meant nobody could see around the corner in the war
so that Romans could travel
The Romans left roads because they wanted the roads so that they can get to other places of Britain easier and quicker.
So they could get from place to place
Straight roads were invented in the pre-roman iron age. And did you know, that some roads in America go straight for such long distances that they have to make a right turn to account for the curvature of the earth so it conforms to the map?
So that their armies and their trade goods could get rapidly from one place to another.
The Romans were extremely good at building things, roads, buildings, bridges, walls; anything they needed. They were excellent engineers and craftsmen. They were very well trained, and worked hard to find the best way to execute an engineering project. They had the time and the money to spend on projects, like roads, that were important to the empire.Well, roads helped the Romans be able to travel easier from province to province.They tended to build the roads so they could carry heavy things and walk on the roads
So that they could gain land and so that they could build homes and roads but also to show HOW powerful they are....
-goods could be transported easier and faster -This made trade better -Soldiers could move faster in the city -This made the city more peaceful -The romans build straight long roads made of rocks -Culture got spread