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The patricians were an ancient Roman social class. They were the so-called upper class of Roman society, with most, but not all, being wealthy and having political power.

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Q: How do you describe Patricians?
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How would you describe the Conflict of the Orders?

It was a political struggle between the Plebeians (commoners) and Patricians (aristocrats) in the Roman Republic 494 to 287 BCE, with the Plebeians pursuing political equality with the Patricians.

What were ancient roman rich and powerful people called?

Patricians :)

Who controlled the roman ginvernment when the republic was first created?

At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.

Which is the rich land owning class of Romans?

The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.The patricians were originally the rich land owning class of Romans.

What is an upper class roman called?

In the early days, the upper class people were called the patricians. However when the plebeians gained their upward mobility they also became upper class. So in the later republic both patricians and plebeians were referred to as the aristocrats or the nobility.

Related questions

How would you describe the Conflict of the Orders?

It was a political struggle between the Plebeians (commoners) and Patricians (aristocrats) in the Roman Republic 494 to 287 BCE, with the Plebeians pursuing political equality with the Patricians.

Describe the organization of the roman family?

The Patricians were the upper class and the Plebeians were the lower class...Hope this answered your question! :)

What were ancient roman rich and powerful people called?

Patricians :)

What did the patricians form?

The patricians formed The Senate.

Who was the class of noble landowners who dominated Roman society and politics during the Republic?

The patricians

Who controlled the roman ginvernment when the republic was first created?

At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.At the beginning of the republic the patricians had the control of the government.

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Who were the patricians and who were the plebeians?

The patricians were the aristocracy and the plebeians were the commoners.

Who were the plebeians and who were the patricians?

The patricians were the aristocracy and the plebeians were the commoners.

A class of people considered superior to others?


When was Regiment of Patricians created?

Regiment of Patricians was created in 1806.

When was Youngstown Patricians created?

Youngstown Patricians was created in 1911.