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The distance between Rome and Tunis (which is where Carthage was) as the crow flies is 600 kilometres (373 miles). If you sail around Sicily, as it is often done, to go there the sailing distance would be longer. Tunisia is close to Sicily, which was a Roman territory. The ferry ride from Trapani in western Sicily to Tunis is 218 km (136 miles).

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approvimately 585 km.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

600 km.

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Q: How far is Rome from Carthage over water?
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What did Carthage give Rome?

Carthage did not give anyone to Rome. Rome captured prisoners of war, but they were not actually given to her by Carthage. Rome demanded that Carthage surrender Hannibal to her, but he fled into exile in the eastern Mediterranean.

Why did Rome add the territory including Carthage?

The First Punic War between Rome and Carthage was a contest over the control of Sicily. With victory they took over the Carthaginian territories in western Sicily. Rome took advantage of a rebellion by the Carthaginian mercenaries to take over Sardinia and Corsica from Carthage. These islands were considered important for the security of Rome because they were not far from the city. The second Punic War was fought in southern Spain as well as Italy. Rome defeated the Carthaginians in Spain and took over their territories there because it was Hannibal's power base. Rome fought the Third Punic War to destroy the city so that it would never threaten Rome again. In the process she took over her home territory in modern Tunisia and western Libya.

What significant issue gave cause to the Second Punic War?

In 237 BCE Rome took the excuse of a revolt by mercenaries to seize control of Corsica and Sardinia in breach of the treaty which ended the First Punic War with Carthage. Carthage began to conquer Spain over the next seven years, but signed a treaty with Rome in 226 BCE not to go north of the Ebro River. In 220 BCE the Cartaginians captured Saguntum, which was within the Ebro limit, but Rome used this as an excuse to declare war to confront an increasingly confident and expansionary Carthage.

How far is Carthage NC to Caesar NC?

Carthage to Casar is 157 miles.

How far is Massachusetts form Carthage NC?

Boston is 770 miles from Carthage.

Why was the city-state of Carthage a threat to ancient Rome?

Originally Carthage and Rome were allies, especially against the invasion of Pyrrhus of Epirus when he tried to defeat Rome and take over Sicily. This alliance was based on Rome's land power and Carthage's sea power which complemented each other.The turning point came when Carthage tried to extend its influence in Sicily and Rome decided to resist this. This led to the First Punic War, which Rome won by building a fleet to match Carthage's.Rome's spreading influence led to other states appealing to Rome when they wanted to shake off Carthaginian influence in their area. This led to the Second Punic War where again Rome won.Rome decided to neutralise Carthage by imposing a crippling 50-year indemnity payment on it. Great traders as they were, Carthage paid it off in 10 years, which left Rome itching to get rid of this competitor to their dominance of the Western Mediterranean. They used proxies in the kingdoms neighbouring Carthage in north Africa, and when it defended itself, Rome used this as an excuse for the Third Punic War. After winning, they came to a final solution - leveling the city, selling the people into slavery, and establishing a military colony of veterans on the site.

The Punic Wars began over a dispute of this island?

The Punic Wars, a series of far-ranging and fierce hostilities between Rome and Carthage in ancient times, initially began in a dispute centered on the island of Sicily. Local powers on that island, fighting each other, reached out for help from larger powers to their north and south. Those powers, Rome and Carthage, soon came to blows with each other on both land and sea in what has come to be known as the First Punic War.

How did war in Rome lead to the creation of an empire?

Rome and Carthage, originally allies, became contestants for dominance in the Western Mediterranean. At the conclusion of the Third Punic War, Rome's final solution was the total destruction of the city of Carthage and enslavement of all its inhabitants. This left Rome dominant in the Western Mediterranean. However, the Roman government had also decided to punish Macedonia for having supported Carthage in the Second Punic War. This led it into interference with, and involvement in, the affairs of Greece and of the Greek world to the east, and then to the progressive defeats of all the Hellenistic kingdoms, which extended the empire as far as Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Was Carthage a part of the Persian Empire?

No, the Persian Empire went as far west as Libya. Carthage was in today's Tunisia.

How far apart are Carthage and Phoenicia?

3,600 km.

What would have hav happened if rome had been defeated at the battle of zama?

More war - Rome would not have given up on its ambitions as a world power. It would have had to keep on trying to defeat Carthage as they were irreconcilable enemies and contesting for dominance in the Western Mediterranean. One had to win eventually and eliminate the strength of the other.As it turned out, Carthage was defeated, and Rome sought to paralyse Carthage with a fifty-year financial penalty, which would have prevented them hiring their usual mercenary armies. Rome miscalculated - the Carthaginians were such successful traders that they paid off the indemnity within ten years and so, in Roman eyes, once again became a threat. Rome kept pushing the Carthaginians to war again by using North African proxies to attack them, so in due course an excuse came to attack Carthage once again and impose the final solution - levelling of the city and selling the people into slavery.

In ancient rome did poor people have to walk to get water?

Yes, but not too far. Rome, from the time of the aedileship of Marcus Agrippa, had numerous fountains and water outlets for all the population.